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shaneystar2 | 22:27 Mon 18th Jun 2007 | Gardening
476 Answers
This is their third year and I have lots of fruit already but they don't seem to be putting out any runners this year for me to pot on .They are not in the ground but in a strawberry pot and various other containers .Are they past their sell by date and shall I chuck them once finished fruiting and get new for next year ? I have had a few ripe fruits already and they taste OK !


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A tall arse Neti ?
That's a funny old crossword you are doing :))
It should be censored ..tut .....
he he Shaney, that is it, you are Brilliant! I was in the middle of typing ha ha how funny but not right and then it clicked, well done old bean and thank you.
Ladeeeeez hats...a bit like that lost prog i watched fer ten minutes a thousand years ago...didnt have a clue wat they were on about..!it was called it still going in ten years time>>.I like watching that river cottage shaney,even if i dont eat meat and fish,so will write it in me cyber diary.
just zapped an e.mail from derby shire...dont fink im daft enough to open it do ya...(:O)
I love that River Cottage prog although I think we are probably several years behind you lot. He's still single and I think that he's now married with kiddies. It's amazing what he can do.
I think everyone likes Huge Furry Marketstall...but is he ever called by his real name :o)

neti, I'm sure that some part of your lifestyle calls for a this one?

<poop, foiled again....sets up new email contact....lusciuoslulu@yourbecks&>

Oh bu66er....
the goverment wants a thousand squid off each off doing a runner to hi-betha >>>(:O)
OI..!!..i tried that e.mail addy,and lulu wants a �50 squid an hour>>(:O)
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Well they won't get another grand out of me ..I need it to pay the gas bill and buy handbags ....
Love that website Jno I managed to catch up on Iplayer . Haha ..the last time I wore a hat was to a very posh funeral about ten years ago.
Mary Quant is seventy odd and still has more or less the same haircut ....bless....she's still very cutting edge . I remember having a "Mary " haircut way back .
All short at the back and those long bits at the sides with a fringe .Very high maintenance it was too had to be dead straight and I have a natural kink :)))

Mornin peeps..
lovely crisp sunny day.
Which channels river cottage on shaney?im bu66ered if i can find it.Is it a digi channel.She's pulling my bloomin leg i reckons...just fer that im gonna post a piccy of the worlds biggest beetroot when she dont spect it..hehe..! must be offski..>>work calls..later dudes.(:O)
peeing down here, suppose that's my just desserts!!
g'day...yes, it's glorious here too, fresh, sunny, I was lolling on my lounger (ok, it's not that hot, I was doing some snipping) I thought how coastal it felt & the only thing missing was the sound of gulls screaming round ....oh no, NO, I didn't say that Vinny
stay right where you are

Oh sigh, my favourite, Swedish poet Tomas Transtr�mer, didn't get the Nobel Prize this year either. I know I've mentioned him on here before, I think I probably made it sound as if he were dead, he isn't but he suffered a stroke many years ago (early nineties I think) and was left aphasic and hemiplegic. Unfortunately (I feel) he and his wife have continued to use some of his old scribbled notes like jigsaw pieces and put them together, combining them into poetry as it were. But there's plenty of gold in the pre-stroke treasure chest and much has been translated, if you're interested.

Beetroot declaration: I like'em but it's a miracle I do 'cos I have a traumatic beetroot experience in my past, ha ha. It's one of my I'm a poor misunderstood vegetarian-stories and it took place in the lunchroom of the place where I worked. They knew I was a vegetarian and they knew I'd be there every day but they couldn't care less. One day they handed me a plate of beetroots. I stood there waiting for the rest of my lunch but it turned out that was it - a plate full of beetroots, nothing else! I swear I almost cried, I felt like Oliver Twist.

Vinny have you ever worked with watercolour crayons?
Afternoon peeps...
Shaney.. come out ..its no good hiding..!(:O) Im reading a book about the benifits of sea water in the Victorian age and one publication noted "the swimming in salt water is very good to remove the headache,to open the Suffed nosethilles,and thereby to help the smelling.It is a good remedie for dropsies,scabbes and scurfes,small pockes,leprosies,falling awaye of either Legge,or any outher parte" blimey..! if robinia chops of me willye i be jumping in the sea dreckly..hehe..!
thats well interesting kip,ive saved that to me faves..erm..nope never used crayons since me teacher threw one at me when i fell asleep in the infant school..(:O)
the ole shi$ehawks are very quiet at the mo....think they must be planning an attack.!! ive put a sign in me garden bird language derbys that way<<<<(:O)
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Oh there you are Vinny's on Channel 4 on nine .
Must go spuds boiling ..back later...

I can't stop laughing at the Victorian ailments...can you send me a dozen barrels of sea water please Vinny? I think I've got most of those....I'm often falling awaye in outher partes....hahahaha

to woolycombe.....> > > > > >

Evenin'. Found anna and fritjof while looking for something else. What do you say, might it just as well have been England 1939? I'm charmed by the old girl looking into the camera the way us biddies always do as if to say " it really really necessary to film me... oh all right then..."
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I've just read that through ..twice ..I shall know what to do now when I get dropsies or one of my legs falls off ....hop down to the beach .....Ooh lord ....where does he find these things ...
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Sorry Vinny it's on next week !
Channel 4 ..9pm ..I was looking in the wrong copy of the Radio Times . Another marble I've lost ......that's two this week ....
have you all blown away?'s a bit draughty out but nice with it

own up, who's got a novelty clock? I've been having a giggle in cb (birdsong wall clock) but I don't suppose it'll make me any less invisible as far as the Ed's concerned, I never did have a reply. There's another audience this afternoon...I'll be conspicuous by my absence...

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