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shaneystar2 | 22:27 Mon 18th Jun 2007 | Gardening
476 Answers
This is their third year and I have lots of fruit already but they don't seem to be putting out any runners this year for me to pot on .They are not in the ground but in a strawberry pot and various other containers .Are they past their sell by date and shall I chuck them once finished fruiting and get new for next year ? I have had a few ripe fruits already and they taste OK !


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Robi I've tried neat bleach and Vim and turps. my hands have disappeared but the colour's still there!!!
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Oooh Nooo Robinia .. I once had a froggy clinging onto my legge .
When we lived in those Netherlands . Dykes all round and loads of frogs . I used to find them all over the shop ..mostly hiding in the wellies or waiting to spring onto said legge when I went to get my bike out .I found one in me washing basket once !!
We used to get a lot in London in the garden and Shaney used to go mad chasing them around .He never got them of course . They could jump quicker than he could !
I used to feel sad when they cut the old flood meadow and you would see all these crushed dead frogs everywhere ...
Not long now until Cuddly in America .))
did you try toothpaste as per that other thread, neti?
Yes jno I did!
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Have you still got any skin on those hands neti ?
They reckon it takes weeks to remove and you should exfoliate the skin "gently "twice a day until it fades .Try some olive oil mixed with sugar . Rub it well in then rinse it off .
I quote
There is no way to remove this stain, it must simply wear away. The henna dye molecule soaks into and stains the top layers of your skin cells. Everyday new skin cells move to the surface replacing older cells including those that are stained with henna Unfortunately, you must wait for your bodies natural processes and normal wear and tear for it to fade completely.

There are things you can do to speed along the demise of a henna stain. These include soaking in the shower or bath, and scrubbing or exfoliating the skin. Chlorine can help to remove the stain as well so a dip in the pool may speed up the fading process.( get Mr N to refill pool)

Some chemical agents may remove some of the stain . These include hair straightener, contact lens solution, or a weak solution of bleach and water. These are very harsh on your skin and NOT RECOMMENDED as removal methods.

I have a question about foundation but I'll leave it until I feel less wrinkly ..Goodnight cherubs :)
:O) woof woof..! yo (*_0)
oh no, not a colde frogge about your personne shaney?...I hope you weren't wearing your loose legged drawers.

hahaha, lol Vinny....I'm sposed to be hovering around the house not playing on here...

woof to you too

oh good news, they're sending my bro back to his home this afternoon....hopefully! I've learned not to believe anything that place says until it happens.
Dawgs. Guess what: Our leader has granted me permission to use her snowman, the minute fellow she posted here last winter, for my site. I was never able to forget him. He's there now, go and see him (you still have the URL don't you, dawgs, I'd rather not keep posting it here.) Thanks Robinia - and hey that's great news about your brother, I'm happy for you. /PMSL@ Shaney's cookies for the vicar. They were so darn cute!

I found just the thing for lady macneti...
...and one for vinny in the same shop. I thought at first your talking dog was calling us meddlers but it must have been medears, ha ha, he hasn't quite picked up the Devon accent yet has he.

Couldn't believe my eyes, I saw jno ask a question! That's a first! I didn't think you had it in you, jno! Seriously, I hope you get an explanation, it's very puzzling indeed. (Something to do with losing her marbles, it's over at Computers if you don't believe me.)

Great to see you've been here Jude, come back again really soon. Here's some music just for you, it happened to be playing on the radio just as I was practising my tai chi and I noticed how well it worked for that purpose
hello all, haven't even trid to read the thread but a skin has told me that you are all present and okay...did pick up that your bro is coming home Robi, such good news. Mum's dayt went well, the weather was lovely and the occasion was as bright and joyful as possible.
Not going to bang on but one of her friends read this from the Queen Mum's Funeral service which my Mum had attended. I thought it was beautiful and as we have most of us had our losses this year I wanted to share it

You can shed tears that she is gone
or you can smile because she has lived.

You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back
or you can open your eyes and see all she's left.

Your heart can be empty because you can't see her
or you can be full of the love you shared.

You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.

You can remember her and only that she's gone
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.

You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back
or you can do what she'd want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on.


Going out now with doggies, catch you all tomorrow

that's very nice, woofgang... it should probably be printed in blue gin on racehorse skin for fullest effect.

Kit, almost all the questions I have ever asked here have been in Computers and are basically all the same question: WHAT ON EARTH IS MY $&?!?�**!!! COMPUTER DOING TO ME NOW???

kempie kindly provided a solution to this one but even he couldn't explain what had gone wrong in the first place. Computers are just weird.
oh, bless the tiny sn�gubbe, he was here for such a short time & now he's forever in cyberspace...hahaha...he looks so forlorn alone on that page Kit, I hope he makes people smile.

lovely reading woofy (I'm one of those terrible people who people who never remember what's been said during weddings, funerals etc).

happy birthday Paddington B! I do love him...

Hi Woofy, it's good to know all went well on your Mum's day. Have the lads been trying to comfort you? (It's an honest question - animals do do that.)

Sn�gubbe says to say he likes in it cyberspace and is not forlorn, he's got my avatar to keep him company don't he, even though I do find him a bit cold. Ha ha that reminds me... I was at a restaurant with some friends quite a few years ago and I don't remember what we were talking about but something in the conversation made me remark that personally I am rather rigid. One of the others didn't catch what I was saying and she shouted out: Say what?? You're frigid??! I'm sure everyone must have heard that. /Let me know if you change your mind about taking credit for the sn�gubbe, Robinia.

Speaking of Lady Macneti, has anyone met Judi Dench? Jno? She's soooo good, would be nice to know she's nice as well. out, damn'd spot!
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Yoohoo folks ..I am guilty of stirring up a hornets nest in CB .What do I care and let live .
Woofy that all sounds lovely.These things are all personal to the individual I find .I know when they played My Way at my old mates funeral I remember thinking ..Yep Jeannie certainly did do it your way and good for you gal !
That's good news for you Robinia I hope it all goes well .

I am a happy little Shaney as it's Aldi specials today and I sent Mr S off with his shopping trolley to get ,carrots ,cauli ,broccoli,onions ,cabbage and spuds for the grand total of Two quid 39p. I will outwit Gordon Brown and Jamie Oliver yet .
Our Judi is a national institution Kit ..she's a great actress . Must pop orf ..good on the tele tonight
Hi all, a quick pop-in as Mr N is re-doing the dining room/study so no internet for ages yet. Am in a cyber cafe (so cool!!) I really miss the internet, but now there's no floor either!! Will try to pop in occasionally, but no idea how long it'll all take.

Thank you all for my birthday greetings, we had a lovely day, and it was a pleasure having daughter over, which makes a change!!

Signing out for nw, take care , hopefully see you all very soon! xxx
tut... I hope no biddies have been lost in the storm... stion640209.html
Oh I've just been reading that jno...<don's Mary Whitehouse mask>...let's hope the tidy up includes getting certain users to tone down their tedious & continous smut , <not mentioning any names but staring hard at that thread....yes, hands up, we've been known to be cheeky (you gotta behave now Vincent) but some of the talk over there is just unnecessary....

and what have you been up to mrs s?

oh yes & while he's at it how about a cull of the nauseating, lick-lick, treacley sick-buckets...jeez, fair puts you off your acid drops it does...

ignore me, I'm really grumpy this morning...was awake most of the night with a stupendous headache. I even went to bed with my clothes on, just dropped down on the top of it & pulled the duvet around me....and I've never, ever done that in my life...

forgot......happy birthday NETI and many more!

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