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shaneystar2 | 22:27 Mon 18th Jun 2007 | Gardening
476 Answers
This is their third year and I have lots of fruit already but they don't seem to be putting out any runners this year for me to pot on .They are not in the ground but in a strawberry pot and various other containers .Are they past their sell by date and shall I chuck them once finished fruiting and get new for next year ? I have had a few ripe fruits already and they taste OK !


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all this nonsense about Mr Neti rebuilding the house, the Ed obviously cut off connections with Ibiza to punish Neti for going into CB but has now decided to give her one last chance.
Ooops got it in one jno!!
sʎppıq ƃuıuɹoɯ pooƃ.
ooops got me putta downside up..!
Hpoe you had a better kip robi..I was thinking back to when I use to sit on the doorstep on a sunday morn shucking peas and me dad was boiling glue granules in the saucepan fer fixing the broken chair,and then we would boil up the spuds in the same saucepan...hahaha no wonder i came to a sticky end (:O) well must split,ive gotta see a dog about a man....>>>later yo (*_0)
morning chums...

hahaha, lol Vin...and did you soak your feet in the washing up bowl?....that potassium permanganate doesn't half stain. neti should try it - then her hands & feet would match.....


"My favourites" seems to be getting overcrowded - is there somewhere else on XP where I can store all the old stuff?
Recycle bin ..!(:O)
Can someone explain what this prog is, and if I run it, will it delete anything important? I honestly do not know how to back up things and don't want to, just want to clean up my history etc.
Afternoon, possums. Could one of you pop over here and try to figure out what they're dooooing with my park 'cos as far as I can tell they're just driving around in an excavator and moving soil from one place to another and back again.

Jude, re your question about avatars: I suspect they removed the beta version of AB altogether. At any rate, uploading an avatar was done from My Profile, and that option isn't there anymore. Whether or not your old avatar Hey Jude can still be seen to some ABers or not, I do not know.

Neti when I frequented cyber cafes I used to store stuff in my Yahoo email - I saved drafts. Are we talking about photos? In the beginning I used to upload photos to TinyPic and just save the IMG codes, but I soon discovered those codes aren't permanent - which BTW also means that many of the links on our old biddy threads will be dead by now... :-((( Nowadays I keep far too many sillypics on my puta, which probably slows it down immensely, but I also store many images on They have fun image editing toys as well. Best thing would be to store images on a CD of course, but it just doesn't seem very practical when it comes to images you're using does it. CCleaner I can't answer.

this is fun

I just want to clean the computer up a bit and get rid of history in the address bar, I've saved things to Delicious! But if I clean up, will it delete anything important?
to clean up history on Firefox, go to Tools, Clear Private Data, then tick all the boxes you want. These are basically only links, though, they don't take up much real space on your computer. The photos of Barry Manilow will still exist, you just won't be able to call them up with one click in times of need.
PS about Zwingo, the game I posted: I'm not sure whether or not you'll see two options, PLAY and CONTINUE, or just PLAY. If you see both, choose PLAY or you'll find yourselves in the game I started. (But perhaps that's only visible from my puta.)
I've done that jno but it doesn't clear the address bar history!
normally on Firefox the only things that appear in my address box are my bookmarks. Anything else should vanish once you've clicked to delete browsing history (or if not straightaway then next time you start browsing).

I did once have a similar problem on Windows and nobody could sort it out tion115036.html
Fascinating: I had a look at Barack Obama's pages on Facebook, hit the refresh button every five seconds or so and watched his number of "friends" increase by the click. Try it, you don't have to sign in.

Good night Britons.
morning all, another bright day here at woofgang towers. I can't do that zwingo thing AT ALL, you must need a truly beautiful minimalist zen like nature like wot sweedie has got.

Spent a nerve racking hour this morning getting tickets for my godson to see ACDC at the O2, its like a computer game doing that, you have to type and click as fast as you can then when you get the tickets there are 3 screens to complete to buy them and each one has a time limit, didn't think me old heart would stand it.

Is everyone (this side of the equator, sorry Dolly) getting these brilliant autumn days? its just blue and gold and lovely here if you ignore the big holes the dogs have dug.

Mr W has finally surrendered to his need for sleep and gone for a kip, he's has had stomach lurgy the last few days (Not my cooking before anyone comments) and his nights have been to say the least. Might have a kip myself, us retired types are entitled. Can't do any housework or course as the noise would disturb Mr W ;-)

later all
his nights have been active and yours haven't...erm... <struggles to read between lines without offending anyone...>
jno be ashamed....I meant running to and from the loo and NOTHING else :(

I just love the smutty minds on here!
Oh alright then Woofy. Here's the other side of my zen like nature I'd be at it twenty-four-seven if it weren't for the cymbals.
I love it when he begins to shout YES! a fraction of a second before he bangs into the wall ha ha ha ha ha!
Morning all - rushing off to do shopping and then coffee, will be back later!!

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