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shaneystar2 | 22:27 Mon 18th Jun 2007 | Gardening
476 Answers
This is their third year and I have lots of fruit already but they don't seem to be putting out any runners this year for me to pot on .They are not in the ground but in a strawberry pot and various other containers .Are they past their sell by date and shall I chuck them once finished fruiting and get new for next year ? I have had a few ripe fruits already and they taste OK !


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Hi Shaney....yes couples do tend to share their ills one way or another don't they?
I have piled the dining room table high with the crafty gear and made a tentative start..I've kind of got an idea to do some quilted embroidery for my special cards this year. I've done one and just need to mount it. For the rest I am feeling shiny and glittery biut the pups still have their noses in everything quite literally so I need to be a bit circumspect.
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All mine last year were decoupage ones . But I too fancy doing something different this year .Embroidery not on the cards for me as I am useless at sewing .I have a friend who does lovely cross stitch cards .Really tiny little stitches .Must take a lot patience which I don't have for sewing . Anything involving a needle and cotton I can louse up problem !
My other old mate who died earlier this year brought me loads of craft stuff when she visited me for the last time .She was a proper squirrel for craft doings and I seem to have inherited it all ! I shall have to get it all and have a look and perhaps get some inspiration .
Hi all, hope you are all OK, too busy to get on here at present, but will soon have a catch up day. Take care.
Hi biddies, how are we? Is Robi pregnant at all today? Has the kitchen disaster fairy been around to see Woofy and Shaney again?

I'm feeling a bit pressed by life's circumstances, nothing serious but can't quite concentrate, be back when I can! Can't tell you about it, need to be discreet but it's nothing bad, just troublesome. (Playing Nex helps a lot!)
g'day....(((SLAM!!))) oooh sorry, too windy...

oh chocolate cake at this time of day, lovely? Is it xmas? I'm not really the worlds best cake a steamed sponge puddin's more my line, you can't really go wrong with that. P'raps our resident hake charmer would like the burnt cake....where is he?

oh sweedie I'm on here to escape life's circumstances....I tried burying my head in the sand but
I couldn't even get that right Question643375.html

Now I feel guilty!! ^^

Robi don't forget to check your cervix as it goes blue when pregnant, head down........ I can't bend far enough to see if my toes are blue...
After noon..
tiz windy and piSking down ere..!
and im soaking didnt tell me that jumper wernt water proof robinia ..tut.!
as me gran use to say"you know when your old,you take a nap,and everybody thinks your brown bread"(:O)
cor blimey..I saw shaney in a shop window over the weekend yo
quickly jumps in me bath>>>((((SpLaSh))))
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You cheeky monkey Vinny .... Norfolk Seagulls on alert least it's all good fun which is more than could be said for some of the pedantic bottom orifices in a certain section on here who reckon I'm an anarchist . I'm a personal friend of Wolfie ..apparently :))

Don't be pressed Kit ..have an olive and tell 'em to spin on it .Up the revolution girls.....As my old schoolteacher used to say ... "you are a disrupting influence ".
Little did she know ...................:)
She hated anybody with an opinion .
People who make others feel small get on my bosoms .

Lovely piccie Robinia

i wanna make you feel small..can i climb on now hehe..!(:O)
OOOOPS, looks like we're sisters, Shaney... Fine-looking lady...! No? "Stunning", then?

Possums, my mind is going, I can feel it. Chased a man on the phone all day, a person in authority whose decisions will influence my future, and when I finally got hold of him towards the end of the day... I had two tremendously important things to say - and bleeding forgot what one of them was!!!!! So I improvised to gain time, pretended something just happened that I had to put the receiver down for a few seconds to tend to - still no joy, it didn't come back to me, and finally I panicked and said the washing machine was flooding the floor and I am so sorry but I'm gonna have to hang up and may I get back to you a little later? Jeeee-sus! At least I'm still creative...

Don't think I didn't see the two of you in the tattoo parlour, jno and Robinia - Recent Posts tells the tale! Didn't think I'd ever say this but since I found out about white ink tattoos a while back I've sort of played around with the idea... They can look very nice if your skin is pale, and mine is. Many of them just look like you've been scratched by a cat or branded by a cowboy. Gonna have to consider this carefully. There is a tattoo parlour on the street where I live, though...
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Im fuming .
Steam is coming out of my ears .... Just been watching tele switched off , looked out of the window ( as you do) and there's the wheelie bin all over the drive .
Some half wit must have decided to up end it for a
laugh .Mr S and I have just been out in the piddling rain clearing up all the soggy newspapers and what have you that have blown all over the shop in the wind .And it's blowing here like Billy O ! .....I'm going to have ..Mess with me at your peril..... tattooed on my forehead any minute now ..........Grrr.
As for you Vinny climbing days are grinding to a halt ....I can't seem to find any crampons :))))))))
<tiptoes around shaney, scary when she's angry ain't she?>....
I'll just pop this up here

oooooooooooooooooooh, winter woolies on...we've had warmer xmases than this.....

haha, why does that sound so familiar Kit? That happens to me all the time so I try to jot down keywords...not so easy if you're actually face to face, 'specially if you've tattooed them about your person.
I'll remember the 'must go, there's an emergency'' trick next time. How about 'there's a wildebeast in the garden'?

I wouldn't bother with that tattoo mrs s, they might run out of ink after the 'mess with me' bit.
Your bin didn't blow over did it? (s'pose not if it was full) My brown one did early yesterday, it was tearing gales here, but there wasn't anything in it.

ok look out world...better put an extra hairnet on....
Good Morning campers.!!!
tiz a sunny cold day ere.
We have to tie our wheely bins to the drainpipes round ere,other wise there end up floating across the atlantic.The wind was howling last night,what with the sheeps Baaa Baaaaing alnight..i live in a valley and if you shout out, it echo's so everything repeats itself...good on bonfire night it is.!btw if it snows lay down yer wheelie bin ...climb inside and off you go...does help if you live on a hill like what i does though.(:O)
♫ the bear necessities ♫
it's just any excuse with you intit Vincent?

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Hmmm ..must have been something rude especially with the word wind in the title .Firefox has banned me from opening it .
I think we should tie Vinny to a drainpipe and thwack him with Womans Weekly until he screams for mercy :)
I don't think the wind blew my bin over it wouldn't blow it over so it landed upside down .No was definitley toe rags .
Do you know I haven't got a bit of cake or chocolate in the place and I've got the munchies ... ..and there's nowt on tele only football.. Tut ..I shall have to go through me handbags and see if I can find an old boiled sweet or summat .......

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