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shaneystar2 | 22:27 Mon 18th Jun 2007 | Gardening
476 Answers
This is their third year and I have lots of fruit already but they don't seem to be putting out any runners this year for me to pot on .They are not in the ground but in a strawberry pot and various other containers .Are they past their sell by date and shall I chuck them once finished fruiting and get new for next year ? I have had a few ripe fruits already and they taste OK !


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*off to jump off a cliff - if Jude's life is mundane, what is mine* Hi Jude it's really really nice to see you. You need a reality check, girl, regarding how "not so interesting" your life and your posts are! And even if they weren't - which they are - we love you and you can just sit in a corner modestly squeezing a tea bag or something but please be here, I miss you when you're not <3

Hi Vinster and Neti, please read my question above?
Your u-tube links always work for me kip.(:O)
Great, thanks!
Never any trouble seeing your tubes girl!!! It's Vinny's that I can't always get!!!!
Youve seen sweedies tubes..!!!
I wanna see a piccy now..!!(:O)
ooops,thought you said *ubes..hehe..! (:O)
vinny!!! behave!"!!
Question Author
Must be dodgy films our Vinny is watching . I am prevented from opening them .Probably because of my sheltered upbringing .I wasn't allowed to read the News of the World until I was eight .And ..if dared to be found reading mother's Reveille magazine I got a clip .No wonder I scare people in Woollies :) Must be that red flag I keep waving .
don't worry shaney, I think they were only home improvement films - sommink about Blue Electrics....

no problems here viewing your tubes Kit...a bit slow to load sometimes but otherwise ok

Now c'mon Jude, mundane life??! In that case mine must be at a virtual standstill....That doesn't sound like you, hope you're not feeling down. I did have an overwhelming urge to sit down in the aisle by the stuffing balls yesterday & burst into tears myself but I plumped for a multi pack of chocolate instead....

oops, sorry shaney, hope you've got your supplies in today....
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Yes Robinia I am cooking on gas here ..actually I am waiting for a take away .We have a birthday today then afterwards I am going to pig out on black forest gateau and coffee .
And I have a stash of goodies for emergencies .
Mundane Jude ? .Last time anything exciting happened round here was the power cut the other week :)
Mind you it is bit like a comedy show at times ..Mr S is in his what I call Grayson Hodges mode ....Shut that door and put that light out !
whee, have won a couple of days in Dublin next week, was beginning to feel a bit itchyfooted. Am also in the process of booking a week in Tunisia next month.

Apart from that, and my two new teeth, my life is mundane too.
Does this mean you have not been receiving my weekly b00bymails, Vinny...? Must be the mailer-daemons blocking them... tut...! *gives out ever so evil cackle*

Thanks Robinia, I'll stop worrying about my YT links for now, then. *looks around to see if there's anything else to worry about*

Win, how did you win a trip to Dublin, jno, come on, tell us, was it a photo contest? Did you enter your best pope pic to win?
name drawn out of a hat, Kit... the glue on the piece of paper had nothing to do with it...

Oh gosh, I aook a while to noitce the papal horns myself, I must be getting old
morning tout...tie down your wheelies, it's gonna get wild...

so you're a happy mundane then jno? (sorry) c'mon tell the truth, you won it for your outstanding rendition of Seven Drunken Nights* didn't you? was Vinny on backing vocals?

*on a tube near to you

swedie's tubes??
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Well a couple of days wheeling your barrow through streets broad and narrow must be better than what I won recently Jno ......anyone want two Barbie Dolls ,her horse and a DVD ?
hahahahahahaha....what were you hoping to win shaney? Ken & his camper? you must have been gutted....hahaha...

I hope you're telling the truth 'cos it's the best laugh I've had this week...

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Quite serious Robinia ! You know I do all these comps in these magazines .Well you just tick the box and I usually enter them on line on their websites anyway . I get this letter saying I had won them . Then they turned up . So A .has put them on Ebay for me . Go and have look ! It's Barbie The Dimaond Castle Princess Alexa singing doll ..well we rolled up laughting too !
When I was 14 I won 3 dozen eggs, ! wanted the tape recorder! Mum bought them from me, so luckily I made something out of it, I don't win very much, although it appears today I have won the Canadian lottery or so an email tells me!!

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