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shaneystar2 | 22:27 Mon 18th Jun 2007 | Gardening
476 Answers
This is their third year and I have lots of fruit already but they don't seem to be putting out any runners this year for me to pot on .They are not in the ground but in a strawberry pot and various other containers .Are they past their sell by date and shall I chuck them once finished fruiting and get new for next year ? I have had a few ripe fruits already and they taste OK !


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Evening, possums. Had a bit of a day - but no sleet at least! It isn't very cold here at all - except indoors of course, ha ha. Don't you just hate it when there's a draft from the window.

You may have to do the mouse settings anew Neti; if the cursor is jumpy? or moves a lot even though you move the mouse just a little? it's probably "over-sensitized" from your new computer's point of view (you did get a new one?) Probably nothing wrong with it, just the settings. I think. Not sure. Either that or you may have to spank the naughty mouse. I still love mine soooo much, it's perfect (but as we already said back then not so good for drawing even though it looks like a pen.)

Hope you and your brother both get a good night's sleep Robinia. This sucks.

You must be so very proud of your son, Vinny (and daughter too I've no doubt.) It's a shame, though, that he won't be shouting "Objection!!" ('cos solicitors don't speak in court, do they? I'm confuzzled.) "Objection!!" is always my favourite part - wakes you up good when sleeping in front of the teve.

give'em the old razzle dazzle

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I'm always shouting "Objection " but no B. listens let alone says "sustained " or "overuled " .Perhaps it may help if I put my wig straight .

Sorry to hear this news Robinia . Take care .

Strawberries Woofy ? I cleared them over the winter ,that is ,got rid of all the dead gunk but they were very weedy specimens this year so I chucked them in the end .All the rain and whatnot had rotted the roots .
Objection!!...this weather's far too cold - a real frost here this morning. I'm just looking down my list of excuses to not go shopping

My brother is stable & looked much brighter than we'd expected yesterday but they still can't be sure which way this will go.

I think courts would be more interesting if they wore strawberry wigs
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That's good news for you Robinia .Let's hope he keeps stable .
How come it was minus 1 out in the garden early this morning but something still had the energy to bite me on the leg ....Tut ..that'll teach me to wander about out there in my dressing gown !
I am going to get my wig cut and straightened shortly but I'll pass on the strawberry colour .
Hello everyone - What a day, I left the house at 10.30 and it was pouring down, so wore new wellies (brightly coloured as befits a Biddy) lovely see- through brolly (a la the Queen) and a raincoat, feeling well chuffed as I've finally beaten the weather, once I'm in town (bearing in mind I live at the foot of a mountain - hill to you lot) the sun is out, the sky is blue, there's not a cloud to spoil the view - oops sorry, and everyone is wearing shorts and flipflops and I look a right prat, a defo peasant and to cap it all I was sweating like the proverbial!!!! Home again and it's pouring down - must offer to pay more council tax, maybe that'll sort it!!!!
You're all crazy, that's what it is. Shaney wandering about in her garden at the break of day like an Ofelia and Neti sweatin' in her rain gear and Robinia- ...oh I forgot, Robinia is normal normal normal!

More fun in court: right in the eye!
Razzzle Dazzle em That was a great movie Kit. Chicago. I saw the show live in London too.

I do hope your brother gets well soon Robi It must be very worrying for you.

When I got up this morning my car was thick with frost and when I went out 30 minutes later it had all gone. It was never like that when I was going to work . I had to spend ages scraping etc.
It's been raining ever since. (Not since I went to work just since I went out today :o)!! )

Been out for lunch to The Stanhope at Stanley a village not too far away after going to Tai Chi. Our group is now only a self help group after our Sifu (teacher) retired but the lady that assisted her came to our group today and she said she would help us if we had any problems which is very nice of her as sometimes we are not sure whether we are doing the moves properly or not. How are you gettting on with it Kit?

I bet you looked a 'doll' in your wellies neti . I don't really mind what the weather is doing as long as I'm dressed for it. It's just the dark nights that do my head in!!

My son and his wife who live not many minutes from me are moving tomorrow to a village outside Derby so I feel a little bit sad but at the same time I am very pleased for them as it's a lovely new place. When they go on holiday I will have to go and stay with Polly the cat, who dislikes me intensely but maybe if I stay there she will get used to me a bit.

My local 'rag' has just come so I'm off for a cuppa and a read.

Bye for now, take care All

Whoa, Jude, you've entered the psychic ring! I was just watching razzle dazzle again and after that did some tai chi and when I returned to this page you'd commented on both...! We're having two weeks off from tai chi after only four half hour lessons so I don't really know what I'm doing yet but I'm trying. This is my teacher doing Qi Gong. I've scoured YouTube for the form that we do but no such luck; I'm gonna suggest to him he posts himself on there for his disciples to study between lessons. This form starts out pretty much like ours but after a while it gets more complicated than ours. I love the way she does it, she's really good.

So, did you decide against going back to work for the odd morning now and then, Jude? And Jude what have you done to that cat. Perhaps she's just generally p1ssed off 'cos they named her like a parrot...? know, like "A Boy Named Sue", the one Johnny Cash sang.
Off for my flu shot, I'll take a few in the other arm for the rest of you, shall I, possums.

Hi all - really chilly here today 13� - so Kit am wearing the wristwarmers, they are brilliant.
Aww thanks Neti you're welcome. I'll get to work on your leg warmers straightaway then shall I.

Robi must not be feeling dandy or she would have mocked me by now for my wording when I talked about asking my teacher to post himself on YouTube so I could study him... Robi I hope it's nothing too bad.

Right, who's gonna rub my feet?
We break up on the 16th Dec from Tai Chi Kit and we're all going to a local pub for Christmas lunch. So that's 3 times I'm dining out on festive fare!. Then there's the actual day!! I'll be as fat as I don't know what.
I've decided not to go back to work Kit. All it's taken to put me off is 2 mornings of early frost on my car. I would have to be out by 6.30am to go!
Polly the cat is very timid. They got her from a cat's protection place and I think she was ill treated (probably by someone who looked like me) I've been up to see my son and his wife this evening. They have a lovely new house. with boxes all over the place. They have 3 stories and the top floor is the main bedroom with an en-suite and dressing room. Lovely.
They were really tired but have tomorrow off work so they can do some more sorting out then.
I've only ever moved once and that was when I had been married a year and we moved to here from a house we shared with a great Aunt of mine. She was a lovely old lady who had this huge double fronted house with a big hallway with lovely old fashioned floor tiles right down the middle. It was furnished as well so we didn't have to move much only clothes and wedding presents. I've been in this house for 45 years and it's gone through some changes during that time I can tell you.
Right then I'm off now to get me Horlicks

Have a good night everyone
See yer later 'gater(s)
here I's a quick visit to tell you we lost our lovely brother today. His struggles are over. Things to do for the next couple of days but I might be back at the weekend, there'll be some days in limbo I expect as there always are.


Robi My deepest sympathy my dear. I'm listening to the Kinks. What a lovely tribute that song is, it's brought tears to my eyes. Will be thinking about you xxx
Yep. What Jude said. It's such a fine song, so much love and acceptance in it... my glasses are a mess now... Your love for your brother has come through so clearly when you've talked of him on here Robinia, it's difficult not to be moved even though we didn't know him. He'll rest now. You're a good, dear friend, Robi, I'm sending you a good night's sleep - catch! Be on here when you can; sometimes you'll just want to read and not write, I expect, but we'll "see" you there anyway. Take care of yourself you hear <3
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Sorry to hear your sad news Robinia ..a lovely song for your brother .There's nothing I can say that Jude and Kit haven't already said .He's at peace now .
Look after yourself lass
Shaney xx
Robinia - so sorry to hear of your loss - especially when you'd been given some hope that the worst might be past.

Best wishes to you and your family

Robinia - so sorry for your loss, I don't know what to say. Be strong. We'll be here, when you need us x
shiver me timbers, I go away for a couple of days in sultry Dublin and come back to find snow on the lawn in October. What is going on?

Worse for jno jnr as he returned from a trip to Las Vegas to find it actually snowing. He got a backstage pass to Elton John's show while there and spent some time in the Green Room, and one of his colleagues saw Donny Osmond shopping and had her photo taken with him. Wow, celebrity culture is lapping at my door.

In fact I am off to a Bolly & canapes reception this afternoon followed by a preview of Quantum of Solace. If I should get my photo taken with M or something I will of course let you all have a peek.

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