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shaneystar2 | 22:27 Mon 18th Jun 2007 | Gardening
476 Answers
This is their third year and I have lots of fruit already but they don't seem to be putting out any runners this year for me to pot on .They are not in the ground but in a strawberry pot and various other containers .Are they past their sell by date and shall I chuck them once finished fruiting and get new for next year ? I have had a few ripe fruits already and they taste OK !


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sigh... another chunk of tooth has fallen out. The dentist has glued it back in again but says I will probably need a crown (I have to delay it till my return from the Emerald Isle). Gah. I think this was actually the last but one of my surviving teeth, so not far to go now until my entire merry grin is fake.
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Join the club Jno ...I have three a quarter way fake grin !
Just biding my time until the last few call it a day .
Whoopee....I have bids on my Barbies . I'll get shot of 'em yet .
Failing that I shall give them to you .,Jno to flog round Dublin in the streets broad and narrow .I'll supply the wheelbarrow :))

What a dull day .Piddling down here .

School ? Best days of your life .They don't always seem like it at the time though when you are dodging the blackboard rubber ,being belted over the knuckles with a metal ruler because you can't tack in a straight line and running round three hockey pitches most mornings in the freezing cold with Miss Green yelling... "come along girls no slacking " ! Silly old bat.
We used to shriek laughing because the faster she ran all her hairpins used to fall out .By the time we had puffed our way round she used to look like the wild man from Borneo ...mind you we didn't look much better :)
Hi to everyone and a very Happy Birthday for a fortnight ago for neti and I think I read kit is due for a Birthday so Happy Bithday to you too kit.
This is the first time I've got round to finding you all and I'm completely confused with all that's been going on ,didn't read all the thread ,time for bed ,it's 1130 pm .Hope to be back soon Dolly xxx
Hi Dolly, sorry didn't realise you couldn't find us, next move, I'll email you with a lik. Thank you for birthday wishes. Am off for siesta after having a licious paella (and wine!!)
...obviously I don't mean lik, (stop it Vinny)! I mean link!!
The British Dental Association have had a whip-round for you jno, they feel they owe you.

Seriously though I feel for you, I really do. When are you leaving for Dublin's fair city? I used to drink Guinness when I was young, wonder if I could take it now. I smoked Gauloises too, what a little poseur... or identity seeker, if you see it more kindly.

Talking of school days, I'm reading Never Let Me Go, by Kazuo Ishiguro - what beautiful language. One of the "guardians" keeps losing her hairpins the same way your Miss Green did, Shaney - do the British have "baby hair" too, the way us Scandinavians do? The kind that nothing will hold together ('cept a tiara of course.)

Hi Dolly and thanks, yes I do have the big F coming up and some friends will be taking me out to dine. It's weeks to go yet but I've started to feel a bit nervous. Do I stand up and make a speech????? (Btw folks no mention in Suggs.) Dolly have you changed your email address? I just now had a look at the email Robinia sent us (in Shaney's absence) to direct us to these here Strawberry Fields, and you are among the addressees. I'm thinking either you've changed your email address and forgot to tell us about it, our your inbox is blocking some emails/some senders. Perhaps you need to look into it, I remember you've mentioned before that you've been looking for us (although we have emailed you), so something's not right methinks. Or perhaps I'm misunderstanding what you're saying, but then so is the Spanish one - bah, it's us foreigners you know!

as the man says: super

♫ sealed with a lick ♫ hahahaha.Im telling your old man.Lovely sunny day ere...bloomin chilly though.
I yo in last night.My heads not talking to me now.!!Hi dolly nice to see you.Im off to cambridge in a couple of weeks for my sons graduation,he is still staying there for a few more years,he's doing a LP (legal practice)2 year course.
Well im off for a long steamy ....................bath.(:O)
later dudes.
Makes mental note....must put kips birthday on suggs..(:O)
salut tout le monde and toothless wonders,

Confused Dolly? Well all my clocks are wrong, my xmas cactus is coming into flower, half my face has light make-up, half has darker & I'm having chinese for my Sunday dinner....erm, it is Sunday intit? And you just threw me into a blind panic with Sweedie's birthday, it's not quite yet....just enough time to erm, ummmm, think about........
Sorry you were left out in limbo but you were first on the email as yours had further to travel...I'll attach a loud trumpet fanfare to the next one but I think Vinny would prefer a quiet strumpet attached to his.

School days? no thanks...I was poked & pushed, slapped & humiliated. Never did me any harm though did it?.....normal...normal...I am normal....

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I know's Dolly's boomerang won't come back time I'll send you a message on my didgerdoo or me wobble board
Wobble ..wobble :)
That Rolf Harris has a lot to answer for !
Nice to see you Dolly hope you are well ....need any rain ?
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Oooh has that Sveedie <7B>got a birthday soon ? Is it a a big one ?
A sort of life begins at ? Or a half century .? Come on Kit don't be shy :)
We need to know what to buy you
Flirty Forty gets you champagne and chocs but Nifty Fifty gets you slippers and socks .:)))
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Yes ..well.. I didn't mean to shout ....soreeeee.
Hmm, I wouldn't go quite so far as to say you're normal, Robinia (>>>>>>>) ........

.......... (<<<<<<<).... but you have shown some good taste in music in the past, liking George Michael and what-not, so this one's for you - there are seconds when his voice reminds me of GM - do you hear it too? Click Watch in high quality.

Will your son eventually be a solicitor or a barrister, Vinny? *struggles not to make take-the-bar-jokes*

Forty!!!?????? You must be deranged, Shaney but thanks. I'll be fifty but I don't feel fifty. No gifts necessary but if you insist a trip to New York would be nice - k?

ha ha ha!
oh too spooky Kit! I came in as I was listening to GM (Calling you)! Yes, I can hear tones of George, great voice he's got there & my favourite Abba song too. Love the joke, haha.

right ,back to George if I can hear him over shaney's hollerin'....

good morning all, up in the dark again on account of the pup's bladders not understanding summertime ending...sweedie, 50 is nothing, a mere blip in the trancendence of all things...I hope you have a lovely celebration. Shaney, how did the strawbs work out in the end?
morning ....awake for most of the dark hours, as predicted my brother's back in hospital again. It was obvious they hadn't done enough the first time.

no more mrs nicewoman methinks

Morning Folks.
Well its just began sleeting ere.
Yes Kip,hopefully he will be a solicitor,he has a second cousin who is keeping an eye on his progress.He is a top Lawyer and partner with Freshfields Bruckhaus of the Magic five they call them.Perhaps he can find employment with then in a couple of years.fingers crossed. .Well ive got to go out and do some more work,so catch you all later..(:O)
Hi there Biddies - hope you are all OK, very warm and pleasant here, but I want winter!!

Robi Sorry to hear about your bro; hope things improve.

sweedie 50!! you lucky thing, I'd love to be 50 again, best years of my life, well they all are actually!
Since we've had this new computer "work station" (to be pc about it), why does the mouse do whatever it wants and nothing I point it at, it's the same old optical mouse that we've had for at least 3 yrs and now it got mouse liberation and I am getting heartily sick of it's disobedience!

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