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shaneystar2 | 22:27 Mon 18th Jun 2007 | Gardening
476 Answers
This is their third year and I have lots of fruit already but they don't seem to be putting out any runners this year for me to pot on .They are not in the ground but in a strawberry pot and various other containers .Are they past their sell by date and shall I chuck them once finished fruiting and get new for next year ? I have had a few ripe fruits already and they taste OK !


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ooh thanks ed,the colours are back hehe..!(:O)
(:( eeeek..!
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No Vinny still floating around to torment you :)
.I've been messing about with speaking pets .I almost got Shaney to talk to you but it won't accept my email .It doesn't like my german keyboard and I can't do that little @ on the site for some reason ..any how ..he says "Look out ..there's a flock of seagulls just passed overhead and they are wending their weary way to Wolly " hehe..
A weed out eh ? Trouble is it all just descends into tit for tat and any sensible views and debate are left wallowing in the mire . I'm sick of...he said ..she said Dad's bigger than your Dad and so on. Worse than a load of children.

Sleep perchance to dream Robna ? I wish I could sleep like a log as I used to in my youth .I rock and roll for England of a night .


As our Neti would put it, if she weren't chillin' with her homeboys at the cyber cafe: I can't be bovvered to read that endless thread in CB - but tell me please is it even possible to prevent people from using multiple user names?? Even IP addresses change, all by themselves, if you refrain from using your puta for a while, so there's no point in banning an IP either. Right? Wrong?

Charlie there's a caller for you, old chum.
Afternoon each hope you are all ok today. It started off nice and sunny here but it's gone dull and overcast now.
I have a question for you are you all still on that new Answer Bank which shows avatars? Cos I'm on the old one still and wondered if it was any better than it used to be. If so can someone please tell me how to get on it. Thanks. Later 'gater(s)!!
Hi Jude I see you there but I can't give you a good answer - I never used the beta version as it refused to upload an avatar for me; I only switched over to it briefly to see everyone else's :-( Tai chi tonight for me!
well, this seems to be working again for those who couldn't see it last time I posted it 90562&channel=1408963331

watch it and sweat.
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Er.. no thanks Jno a couple of seconds of that was enough for me .My stomach starts to flip over even if I think of being somewhere high looking down .. I get dizzy on a stepladder !
Gasp...! Jno! You're a horrible person! What a lovely place - if you happen to be a vulture. But I'll have to admit that was interesting.

Remember my friend with the cats and the kittens, the one I stayed with this summer? ...well, Bagheera, the proud father of those kittens, I think his willy warmer has a hole in it too 'cos he has now managed to impregnate the same cat lady (Alice) all over again, and Zelda, the other female cat of the house, and they had their kittens yesterday and the day before yesterday! Seven all in all. Alice and Zelda each have their own cardboard box to nurse in but they have decided to share everything alike and look after each other's kids when the other one needs to pop out for lunch et cetera, so now they're all living in one box. Seems like some kind of sect to me. darned casanova

nitie nite

My goodness Kit what a beautiful cat...I can see why he's popular with the lady cats. Woken up to a beautiful autumnal drizzley day, the grey sky is a lovely backdrop to our cherry tree which has turned beautifully this year.
Robi, are you feeling better? its been very headachey weather here too.
The kitchen disaster fairy has been staying at our house, in the space of a week we have had a dead kettle, washing machine and dishwasher...we decided that there was no point being thrifty with the savings and have lashed out so kitchen harmony restored. Don't mind the kettle and the washing machine but the dishwasher was less than 2 years old, had never worked well so feeling both defrauded and glad to see the back of it, NEVER EVER anything kenwood again!
Gotta go tackle the laundry mountain, you can dishwash as you go but sheets need a machine
later folks
Morning all -neti of the Brown Hand Gang here! Actually it's only the nails which are brown now, so have painted the other hand to match (well it almost does)!! Nothing much to report, have been for a long walk already this morning, went up the Ses Estaques mountain (well hill to you lot) it was so calm and peaceful. I had to leave the house early as Mr N isrilling and banging! Have already lost one post in this cyber place. Well must love you and leave you.Heaven only knowswhen I'll beback on. I do miss it so much. When I'm cooking the dinner it was handy to nip into the dining room and have a go on theold AB. Stil never mind eh! Missing you all already x
Morning.JNO that was Fantastic..! im saving that to faves..just brilliant.(:O)
yo (*_*)
Hello possums. Marvellous day here but I'm staying in to get the place in order - landlord paying a visit tomorrow. No it's not a rent thing ha ha.

Yes isn't he handsome, Woofy. The last morning I woke up in their house I found him lying on my arm, purring and staring intently at me as if he adored me. Had an email late last night from my friend saying one of the kittens had died :-( and another one had been born :-) Woofy don't forget to look for pictures of the dresses your mum made for Wallis Simpson (or for anyone.)

We'd better shape up, you and me both Robi, 'cos I've found us a couple of guys to take us to the good ship with the swellegant name. one for you and one for me /Did your bro get home alright?

Missing you too, Neti. Make husband stop. They're always at it building something or other aren't they, ha ha ha, they're incorrigible.

This loads slowly and starts with a commercial but it'll get there: sherkane the eagle learning to fly. (He was raised in captivity.) Be sure to catch the landing. There's an idea Vinny... imagine you paragliding with a sh1tehawk ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, OMG I cannot stop laughing...!
That is not funny kip...hehe..! brilliant film.and you have a lovely pussy..(:O)
yo ;-)

yo (:O)hahahaha..!
Oh my giddy aunt! who's got the dizzy pills?...I've just watched jno's video & yes, it did make me sweat....I was going to send it to Tarquin but I don't think I'll bother, he worries me enough as it is, although he'd probably say it was a walk in the park.

well there isn't a finger big enough for me to put up to the world...still battling with the brain ache, this is (probably temporary) remission I'm in.
it hurts so there must be something in there

And bro appears not to be progressing as well as the hospital said (I have little faith in them, wishy washy lot) & his home are up in arms.

actually I might try that mountain walk.....

Hi there, am finally back online as Mr N has set me up in the lounge - yippee! catch yer tomorrow dudes! x

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