You can remove them chicken fillets now
Robinia they've stopped asking about plants. Robinia do you hear me: Remove them at once! They're not kosher!
here, try these (chicken
style ha ha ha!)
O! We're building
the world's largest moose! Boring clip, just watch the first minute, you'll get an idea. Nevermind you don't understand what he says, neither do I (hardly), it's a northern dialect, need I say more, northerners make no sense in any country it seems
;-) There is to be a restaurant in the belly of the moose (cute) and a concert hall and gallery... bet it will attract some Germans though, they love anything Swedish to do with moose - search me. You'll have to ask your German rellies for me,
I've been to my English Shop for Twinings Darjeeling, and Marmite, and a Dunoon mug for my friend, the one I'll be visiting later on. Almost burst out laughing thinking of you and T'bag,
Jude,'cos I also saw (and bought) a stainless steel device "excellent for squeezing your tea bag."
Be thinking of you tomorrow morning
Vinny -