I'm currently experimenting around hostas and it does seem to work. The slugs don't like climbing over the gritty surface of the used coffee grounds, and it may be also associated with the smell, as the above article suggests.
thanks for you suggestions ,the thought of going out at night collecting the slimy disgusting creatures turns my stomach yuk. I've tried gravel and broken crocks ,even the beer in a pot they never touched it ,obviously wasn't to their liking
Starbucks give their used coffee grounds away for free if you need a large amount. I have had some success with B&Q Slug Barrier Tape on my hosta pots, it's self-adhesive and cost �4.98 for 4metres.They also sell Growing Success Slug Stop which are non-toxic granules you can place around bedding plants.
i stripped some old electric wire down last year and tied it round my hostas in pots it worked fine while it was bright and shiny but once it weathered they just crawled over it i still find the best way is to pick them up on a damp night and feed them to the chickens next morning plastic bag over my hand as i cant stand the slime