Robinia Frisia in The AnswerBank: Gardening
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Robinia Frisia

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Robinia | 10:02 Sun 20th Jul 2008 | Gardening
515 Answers
A few people on here were reporting problems with their robinia frisias earlier this year & I wondered how you went on, did they recover? Is it now happening to others too?
I'm absolutely gutted to see my tree has developed some brown spots & curling mainly on it's lower branches & more on the side that gets the east wind. Seems that, according to
this information I've found (in particular see 11th post) it's a problem made caused/worse by this awful weather we've had last yr & this (up to now).
Desolate of Derby
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And you do have good hair! / Madam Mim is a Disney character, I thought at first your new avatar was she but it isn't is it.
Haha Kit ,my Mum had what was called a copper and she used to boil the water up in that and then it was ladled out in a big enamel jug into the bath in front of the fire .Hair washing was a right carry on and involved several bowls of water and Pears soap followed by having my head stuck under the cold tap in the scullery .
I had very long hair and it used to be roughly dried off with towels in front of the fire Weekdays it was plaited but Saturday nights( hair wash night ) it was put in rags ready for Sunday School . I hated those rags .
Jeez Shaney I went to YouTube and watched a vid about putting rags in your hair and it seems to me you'd need to sleep with your head on one of them wooden pillows (the ones that looked liked small benches) geisha had to use not to ruin their hairdos!
They were horrible and so uncomfortable to sleep .Then Mum would wind the ringlets round her finger and pull them through and plonk a silly ribbon on my head . Dear oh dear .When I look back .How on earth could anyone inflict rags on a child these days.
This was the end effect
Butter wouldn't melt ...not much :)
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This is lovely listening to all you old uns...haha..well I am next to youngest, I think...My mum wasn't so good at hairstyling, she had hers permed, I don't remember her ever being un-permed. With ours she'd plaster it down 'til it was stiff with amami setting lotion & stick a slide in it or a couple of kirbygrips...oh & then we had a wool hat on which had a thin metal alice band inside the front rib to hold it tight, know what I mean? Health & safety? we were walking meccanno kits, haha

I think I'll toddle off, I'm tired & I'd like to get some sleep before the bloomin birds start rattling the roof tiles...nite x
Could someone send me an email regarding what is going on with Mr.V. please?
Neti is the Fairy Godmother out of Cinderella
Ibbety Bibbety BOO!!
Kit you use (well we did) galvanised buckets to boil the water in. My Mum was 5 foot nothing and she used to lift these full buckets on and off the gas stove. You have the bath in front of a roaring fire and (here's the yucky bit) you share the water. my dad would carry in the bath on friday morning before he went to work. My mother used to bath first before we kids got in from school, then she would dip out some of the cooling water, add more hot and us kids would bath, lastly adding more hot for my dad when he got in from work. Then they would bale out the bath and he would carry it back out.
Forgot to mention that soon after DH and I married, we went to live in a rented flat in Bristol. It was when everywhere was changing to north sea gas and as the flat had been empty when the gas man came and using sea gas through he old nozzles was dangerous, so he just disconnected the supply so no hot water. While we were waiting for him to come back.
We went and used the public baths at Jacobs Wells in Bristol. They were amazing, a real monument to Victorian hygiene, all blue and white tiles, brass and mahogany...I wonder if they still exist.
quite a few mates of mine at primary school (Battersea) used to go to the public baths, ours then were in the same building as the swimming baths. My parents too thought it wasn't "nice" Looking back I can see why, the swimming baths were definitely manky!
Oh dear and all we did was turn on a tap, how guilty I feel!!!
Morning all.
Following on with remembering the past I have one vivid memory and that was when my sister had to go into isolaton hospital with dyphtheria when I was about 4. I had to go and stay with my Grandma.. My memory is of her stripping me off and lying me on the big kitchen table and washing me all over with a big sponge. She didn't have a bathroom and that was strange to me. I think we were lucky kids too having inside toilets and a bath,
Grandma had nothing like that. My Aunt (her Daughter) still lives in the same house with her husband. She is now 83. Of course they have all mod cons now. Ahh I've gone all sentimental. When I got older about 14 /15 my Mum used to put my hair in pin curl clips all over to give my hair a bit of what it hadn't got. It was dead straight and still is! She had lots of patience with us. When my sister and I were aguing she never smacked us just chucked a wet cloth at us or a cup of water over us. Soon shut us up.
Well enough reminiscing for today. Off to Tai Chi in a bit then for lunch with my friends.This afternoon I have to go and have those thingys on my back re-zapped for the last time I hope.
Have a good day everybiddy - see yer later 'gater(s)
My mum used to wallop us with the back of the hairbrush, and as we shared a big room, if you were the last to get wallopped, you'd just lie there dreading it! (didn't do any good though!)

Shaney I just street viewed Glemsford and realised that it is right next to Cavendish where my mum was born. My grandad in the late 60's had a little cottage in school field and also a lovely wooden gypsy caravan (wish I had that now) but the whole village has changed, it's all new housing , would love to have visited but no point now.

My hair was so straight and thick, and mum always kept it short for this reason (dad used his tailoring shears on it) I only had pin curls in the side but even then the curl would drop after an hour. Have never been able to wash it after 5pm cos it never dries and smells musty the next day, and a hairdryer makes it huge!!!!

Still I think they were happy times!
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Just a quick good morning for now, gotta nip out before it rains....will catch up at lunch time, in the meantime please have a look for a new home, can't believe we're almost full in here!
Robi have sent a new home link 3 times, hope it gets to you!

for shaney, robi abd lottie (I am miffed)
Gud morning !
is this the ladies number 1 detective agency.could you please find me a yogurt thats not bloomin low fat.!actually I just bought the wrong ones and they taste like sh$te...whoever invented them should be put up against a wall and have hot custard poured in there ears...yuk..!...seeing robis gone shop lifting..ooops I mean shopping I'll chuck this on....(:O)

better do a runner before she gets back...later>>>whoosh.
oh bumfluff...:O( Are try searching for it>>>>>>>>>>>
I know vinny, those yoghurts are disgusting but I have to eat theem now, I mix mint sauce in and they are just about bearable.

Bumped into mi marido in town so had a coffee together (wow!) and I had sweetener in it and now I have an awful aftertaste and I feel quite sick!
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Thanks neti but we can't use that, it has to be an answered Q or it shows on recent posts.

My auntie put my hair in pincurls when I was about 5...when it was done I caught sight of myself in the tv screen & I was so scared it didn't look like me & I stood & pulled all the curls out out.
In my little town we only had an outdoor swimming baths..school made us get in on freezing cold mornings!! aggghhh!!!

Oi! I'll give ya shoplifting Vincent! I've left all that behind me but the bloomin' alarms still go off 9 times out of 10 when I leave a shop. Low fat??!! They're swear words, along with 'healthy option', 'good for you' and 'one of your 5 a day', haha...Lurpak spreadable's on offer at Tesco if anyone uses it?
Whatchoo rummaging around your teepee for anyway? Cannibals? better not be suggesting we're man eaters...come 'ere let me put you some curlers in....pick a stylie....hahaha

Cannabis more like .......
<<<< waves to a passing plane - well it might be jno! >>>>

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