I have a Tree?Shrub in my garden which when it flowers it is a very impressive Blue/Lilac but it seems to of died? but i am reluctant to cut it down as if i can save it i would like to, can anyone advise please. or could I cut it dowm to ground level and see if it recovers?
thanks in advance.
If so, they can be a bit tender & a harsh winter like we've had can kill them off. Whereabouts are you & was it in a sheltered spot?
I'd leave it as it is for a couple of months & see what happens, it might start sprouting in a few places & you can always remove any dead branches later on.
My Lilac dies off every year - And then round about now I start to get little bumps appearing at the end of the branches...So don't do anything drastic just yet as it's still early days..The snow we had doesn't seem to have affected it...