What you pay also dependes on the price per unit charged by your electricity supplier. What is your consumption in kw/h? Living in a four bed with a family of four and working from home, our gas consumption stays below 6,000 kw/h per person per year.
Our electricity consumption is now 1191 kw/h per person per year (down from 1503 kw/h per person two years earlier). We have replaced all exterior security lights with solar LEDs, all interior with energy saving light bulbs (mostly LED) and all electrical appliances we have bought in the past three years had a triple A rating. We also switch off all standby devices when not use...
Cycling has brought down our annual car milage to below 6,000 miles for the whole family (i.e. 1500 miles per head), many of these 6,000 when travalling to and through Italy by car.