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emmie | 14:25 Wed 21st Nov 2012 | Home & Garden
53 Answers
does anyone have one, if so are they useful, do the job.
Toying with the idea of buying one, but don't have a lot of space, so it can't be full sized. Any recommendations, ideas would be welcome.


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I was dead against getting a dishwasher - didn't think they cleaned dishes as well as I could by hand.

But, I relented and got one a few years ago. Can't believe I didn't do it sooner. How much of my life have I wasted at the kitchen sink!!

Mine's a full sized one, so can't recommend that to you, but it is a Bosch and I've had no problems with it. I'm sure they do a...
14:28 Wed 21st Nov 2012
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shaney, i got to the bit of mothers old bones, sacre bleu...
My wife has got an old fashioned dishwasher which is quickly getting to the end of life.

It's me......Ron ☺☺☺
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my dishwasher passed away some time back, so i would like another, mind you he was irreplaceable.
just bought a beko slim line model 30 minute rapid programme finding it ver,y good it does 10 place settings, about 18 inches wide
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how tall is it? reason is that i reckon the width is ok for full size machine but not the height.
one of me and two dogs and I wouldn't be without my dishwasher. I use finish or fairy platinum tabs, both the kind in a gel coating so no unwrapping or mess
approx 33 it fits under work surface alongside washing machine and tumble
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it occurred to me that you would have to have some space at the back, same as you do for the washing machine, for ventilation, so this idea might not be a good one, i might do a bit of looking around the shops soon..
Let us know how you get on, Em.
I recently purchased a slimline beko (same height as the washing machine) and it's been working very well. The only thing I did find was it doesn't take the 'big' dinner plates as the spinning part which washes can't spin fully (sorry, bit brain blocked on the technical terminology !)
I also wash wine glasses by hand. It does spoil glasses, and also saucepans over time but for me it was a small price to pay so as not to have to slave over washing up - especially after Sunday roast !
I have a beko slimline, about 6 years old. does not wash glasses at all well, is o.k. if you don't put too much in it at a time. brings the tea pot up like new, inside and out. does save a lot of time after sunday lunch, just shove everything in there out of the way.
you will have to get a tabletop one if you don't have the height - they are standard height (samr as washer/tumble/fridge etc)
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have measured the space, not sure it would do, will have a look anyway and see, thanks for the advice, always helpful..
I wouldn't be without mine. A constantly tidy kitchen!! Love it!
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my kitchen isn't so bad just too small, the washing machine is fine as sits in the pantry or what passes for one, but the other space may not be high enough, will get back to you if can find one, and decide to buy it. The Beko someone suggested seems inexpensive enough..
The only "compact" (that is, not tall) dishwasher that Which? recommends is made by Bosch. It's not "slim", just not tall.
The cheapest Best Buy detergent tablet to use is Aldi Magnum (again Which?).
Anyone who says it doesn't wash their glasses very well, do you use rinse aid?
I don't use rinse aid or salt in mine and my glasses come up lovely.

I am in a soft water area though.
Do you use an 'all in one' tablet?
I have a water softener so dont need to use salt, but i do use rinse aid because of I don't I get spotting on stuff. I only put my cheapo glasses in the dW because the tablets will etch glass.

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