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No Heating Or Hot Water : (

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Smowball | 14:18 Mon 18th Feb 2013 | Home & Garden
41 Answers
Woke up freezing this morning and realised radiators are stone cold. Looked on the timer and the red light was on so checked boiler and the light is blue. Found booklet which says if boiler light is red then its on and if flashing blue then there is a fault but this isnt flashing. Boiler is definitely off. Making no sound. Have gone through the reset and nothing still. Have chcked fuseboard and power hasnt tripped either. Could be hours till enginerr arrives. Any bright ideas?? Im freezing!


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No tony, I didn't. For some strange reason I he won't give me his address
Mrs Ovary .......... shhh ....... you'll wake Crafty up ;o( is the present Mr Ovary still with us?
Mine went last week Smowball - like that on the Thursday heating light was on all day and night and then I was needing a cardigan then my coat when I felt the radiators wwere freezing - I was told my boiler man some time that if the radiators were cold downstairs and were a bit warm upstairs it was the water pump - lucky my wee nephew came and put me one on the Friday - as you say without the heating the house was freezing icy cold freezing. We are not as hardy as our ancestors/parents bless them.
I'm sure she'll turn up builder !.
The current Mr O is still with us...for the moment.

I know you are the one.....or will be

Mr O no. 1 died from mushroom poisoning
Mr O no. 2 died from a blow to the head (he refused to eat his mushrooms)
Mr O no. 3....current for the moment
Mr O no. 4 (to be) living in Cornwall
Sorry Smowball - didn't read all your replies - my problem was oil related - however if your gas came back on you could have had an air lock in which case you may need radiators bled. Good luck as it is freezing here in NI
apropos of nowt in the slightest,
I have an image of The Builder with his hi-viz jacket, hard hat and marigolds all wonderfully colour co-ordinated.
Ahem .......... Devon Mrs O-level.............. although I am Cornish, although my Mother was born on the "right" side of the Pennines ;o)
Ah wench I have a feeling that builders hard hat and safety boots could become VERY important lol.

I may have to rethink this engagement.....all those cream teas......
our kid, you're right!! :-)

is there a 'right' side to the Pennines?
< legs it >
Ah well, I do have the boots Tony, but never wear a hat, or one of those hi-viz things ................ far too common ;o)
alba, hush your mouth!
There is the Yorkshire side of the Pennines....and then there is the other lot
I have come over all unneccessary at the thought of my fiance wearing just his boots.....
Apologies to Smow for deviating off topic and I hope you get your boiler sorted xxx
Far to common builder, I understand.
This could be a problem Mrs Oboe............... my Mother's family come from Rochdale ............ considered to be the "correct" side of the Pennines ;o)
Ah well, you cannot be held responsible for your dubious parentage
Yes, sorry Smow .................. the fiancé and I should "get a room" ;o)
Hope the boiler is OK.
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(Will do -TheBuilder)

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