Neighbours Fence in The AnswerBank: Law
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Neighbours Fence

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feebee102 | 09:25 Thu 14th Mar 2013 | Law
13 Answers
Just a quickie.
My neighbour has recently had a conservatory/porch build. One of her fence panels (only 4 foot high) was removed to gain access for the builders on to our property to complete the work. She stated that a whole new fence was going to be erected. This was October last year. The new fence has not been put up, but the original fence panel has not been replaced, in fact it was dumped on a skip.
My problem is I have two dog who cannot be left in the garden on their own & also three geese who are always loose in the garden. If any of them got out into her garden it opens up on to the main road and I fear there will be a nasty accident.
She is not the most approachable person & I wondered if I can put up something to stop the animals escaping without any come back from her.
The fence is totally hers.
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As a fence panel is less than £15, why not offer to go halves and say you will erect it?
There is nothing to stop you putting your own fence up at the boundary but legally you may not attach it to hers without her permission. A boundary does not have to be fenced in the Uk so you can't force her to reinstate her fence. You do, however have a responsibility to prevent your animals from straying.
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She is totally unapproachable. Her boyfriend is a complete nutter who has destroyed our property in the past which we had to pay out to replace so I feel that we don't owe her anything and offering to go halves is a no no.
Put your own fence up then.
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Would do but frightened of the backlash we would get from her boyfriend.
You can legally put up a fence within your boundary.

Why on earth would he kick off about a fence?
just out of interest, if the geese haven't escaped in the last six months, what makes you think they are going to now?
Even if you put up some sort of temp thing to contain animals...a piece of chicken mesh ??
If she is as bad as that, then I would put up something really unslightly but effective.
I would also find the most horrid wind chimes available and put them up when they are sitting in the garden
If your neighbours are that bad, aren't you more worried about what would happen if your animals got into her garden?
And develop a liking for loud max bygrave music...
so you want to put your own fence up... but going halves is a no-no?

that makes no sense ... one way you pay full price, the other half price ...

you also ask if you can put something up to stop the animals escaping - then when told, yes you can, you say you can't because you are frightened of a backlash!

make your mind up! what exactly are you expecting people here to say to you?

you don't owe her anything, no... but she owes you nothing either.

basically if you want a fence there you have to do it yourself
I'd put my own six foot fence up. Should reduce the light a bit into her conservatory. Can't abide folks who think putting a structure like that up hard against the common boundary is a good idea.

Trust her guttering doesn't hang over into your space - you could ask her to remove it but it would only pour water into your plot.

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