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A Garden Tool

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Darksky40 | 10:43 Mon 15th Aug 2016 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
My Dad had a tool for the garden that had a long pole, with a round base and made of metal and it was used to flatted the ground in the garden. My dad is not around anymore to ask and please I want to know what is it called? It is made of metal and has a long pole with a round base and is used for flatten the ground in the garden all I need is the name of it.


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a head tamper possibly?
10:47 Mon 15th Aug 2016
a head tamper possibly?

Sorry, meant to say I've always called it a 'Packer'
I call it a punner, wooden ones for turf tamping and metal ones used for sand and gravel.

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A Garden Tool

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