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fatsia japonica

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shaneystar | 17:59 Thu 13th Oct 2005 | Home & Garden
517 Answers
i have a huge fatsia in my garden which I would like to propogate.I have tried several times to grow a cutting from it with no success.It is now in bloom.Well bloom is not quite the right word.It has these large cream clusters growing up from the central stem.Can I take seed from these and try that or has anyone a better suggestion.Come in andyjevs your advice would be much appreciated !!



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He he, is it driving you up the wall yet? (The original is on YouTube, it's Meditation for Beginners.) Yes Robinia I knew you'd like the doormat - in fact I wasn't sure if you hadn't already posted it... Good night biddies, bit late for a shower but I think I need to wash IKEA right out of my hair.
right, some quick pics for those of you who can't stand cruises, hehehe

That's Dubrovnik - you can walk around the top of the city walls in 30-degree heat and look out to sea. The whole town seems to be made of marble with red tiles. It was badly shelled in the fighting with Serbia but has almost all been repaired so you can't see the scars, but that's why the roofs are so new

Zante, aka Zakynthos

and that's Venice as we arrived in the morning mist. You can see how high up we were, and that's just on a smallish liner. The big ones tower over all the buildings and really look a bit out of place. Even we were a bit of an eyesore.
morning campers...lovely pics jno especially the Zante one - lots of places to drape your bloomers there. And those garish roofs need Vinny's sh1tehawks to make them look lived in.

oh %^&&�#! it's piddling down ....and it's St Swivel's day....tut...
Morning All
What a day 40 days and nights of it now! It's my sister's 70th birthday today and she is having an 'open house' day inviting all friends and family to go round and celebrate with her so I'll be round there later. Her daughter and granddaughter are over from New Zealand as well for a month.

Good photos Jno . I have been to Zante in the 90s and I stayed in Tsilivi. Had a lovely time. In fact I spent most of the 90s going abroad twice a year mainly to the Greek Islands, Majorca, Menorca and Ibiza and the Spanish Mainland.

Haven't been away much in the 'noughties'. Except I will be going South to see my eldest the first week in August.

My youngest has just rung and told me he is going round to see his Aunt before he goes to work to wish her happy birthday. He works at Royces and apparently they have been told there could be redundancies in October/Novemeber but he doesn''t seem too worried.

I'm off now. take care all hope the weather picks up xx who ! magic pics the last one. heading ino harbour on a misty morning....lovely jubely....did anyone know its st swithuns day today..(:O)everytime kip gets a blank youtube thingy, its me playing abba for bennys asking us brits if we can come up with a new abba song .
♫♪ biddys biddys biddys
always funny
in ab land.
nettis getting sunstroke
in ibiza.
thats to bad.
in judes dreams, she met a man.
the president of the united states
she made him some spam.
robinia robinia.
counting her tins..
aint it sad.(he he)
it must be funny a biddys world.♫♪ (:O) Okay im orf to peel some spuds.yo

great song, let's get out the glitter ball and flares
there was actually some ankle-deep water in Venice just around the cathedral (some rain the day before which fortunately we missed, it was lovely when we arrived) - but nothing a biddy couldn't handle:
Blimey..didnt know netti was there..lovely hat though
well it's ankle deep here, persisting down now & I'm orf out to buy a new rolling pin

hehe, love the song, it's a No1 for sure'...must be funny in a Hippy world....'

You make me laugh Vin great song. You don't have top be barmy to be a biddy but it certainly helps.

My sister was born on St. Swithen's day and it has been mentioned about the 40 days and nights. You can't be reading all the posts Ha Ha !!!
That's just the type of sunhat I'm looking for, one that can be folded up and put into a bag, can't get them here.
Wondered what on earth you were all on about, but have read the song - brilliant Vinny only I misread the Robi bit about tins thought it said ti*s, wondered why she had to count them?
Have just asked this in tech but maybe some of you know , is it easy to install a wifi outer by oneself,?
piece of wee wee Neti. We get netgear ones, if you need it the call centre is in india by the sound of the people who man it but they are all aptient and knowledgeable and the calls are free, but basically its stick disc in computer and follow instructions
Well I haven't been to Ikea, I've been curtain shopping with my very indecisive sister (her curtains) and I'm more wrecked than you Sweedie....I am, I insist it's so. I think we need a wreckometer so we can see who's won.
If I'd bought a rolling pin I'd be hitting my own head with it...I did get 24 soft tipped pegs in a little basket for �1.99 so I won't have nasty marks on me fully fashioned acrilans, whoop de doo. They're multi colours & I'm going to mis-match them & take a pic just to drive neti mad, hehe..

btw... Jude, forget going down the pub if you're looking for a replacement 'tea-bag' - just go to Screw-fix on a lunch time....cor blimey, wall to wall hunks in overalls! I thumbed through the catalogue about a dozen times, haha...the service was slower than this site but hey ho, the scenery was amazing, good job I wasn't wearing a bp monitor.

oh phooey, I only got the bonus ball...that won't buy me a holiday apartment by the sea. Oh well, off to bed with the screw-fix catalogue :o)
Evening all
Soft tipped pegs eh ? Very posh . It's a long time since we last discussed pegs .
. Please don't mention Ikea .Once was enough for me :)

Lovely pics Jno ..I like the one of Venice .

Nothing to report hasn't been raining today just for a change and my bro fetched my aunt round because she wanted " to have a look at me ". Bless . We've now got matching walking sticks .hahaa......
Actually I feel much better and may hobble up the High Street tomorrow .
Don't get too immersed in that Screw -Fix catalogue Robinia or you may end up having a dream about men with ratchet spanners :)
Take care all ,sleep tight x
Please don't mention pegs, I am fighting my own battle about using odd coloured ones, but cannot do it. I do it, I walk away proud of myself only to run back in 3 mins to change them all to matching. OCD!!
morning neti...I told my sister about your peg problem, haha.

there's an update on Pickle, he's had a terrible time of it... uestion783927.html

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