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fatsia japonica

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shaneystar | 17:59 Thu 13th Oct 2005 | Home & Garden
517 Answers
i have a huge fatsia in my garden which I would like to propogate.I have tried several times to grow a cutting from it with no success.It is now in bloom.Well bloom is not quite the right word.It has these large cream clusters growing up from the central stem.Can I take seed from these and try that or has anyone a better suggestion.Come in andyjevs your advice would be much appreciated !!



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I hadn't realised he'd been unwell. Come to that, I hadn't realised Farrah Fawcett had died - apparently it was the same day as Michael Jackson so she just went unnoticed in all the hooha.
Good moaning.
I didnt realize either jno,to be honest,I thought he was being a bit of a drama queen last time he was on here.So how wrong was I then..(holds me head in shame hope he perks up soon anyways.Talking of electric shock treatment...would it work on somebody with a peg problem..(:O)
good thinking Vinny ...p'raps you can 'fix' her washing line...remember how good you were with xmas lights?

ooh, me fave Beatles just came on the radio....♫...let it be, let be, let it beeeeeeeee...♫>

oi....come back....!
well, will have to upload that to paint and change all the peg colours - thanks a bunch,

Vinny don't feel too bad, he is a drama queen although I know he's got long standing bi-polar, he does love attention, feel more sorry for his lovely partner.

You do realise that Mt Veritas is IAP don't you?
Oh ha ha jno stop mocking the afflicted!!

Have had a brill idea. Am going to buy 4 more packs of coloured pegs and then put all one colour in peg basket and that will solve the prob. Yay!1 << simples!>>
Is that right neti? (the bit about Mr V I mean, not the pegs, I don't doubt that ..<rolls eyes>) I thought he was a much older neighbour.

Anyhoo, if you're in a sorting mood can you please come & empty all of these jam jars, yoghurt pots, trinket boxes etc of their hundreds of screws, nuts 'n bolts & sort them into the neat little compartments in this new organiser'll be so good for my erm.....watstheword? Chinese have it all neat.

moi? OCD?
Yes, Robi they are definitely one and the same, so you may have seen posts by Mr V who is IAP. Spmeone upset him as IAP so he came on as Mystress and now Mr V, no harm in the fella, just needs (wants) sympathy. Ah bless.
Well I've got a peggy so there .In fact I have three of them .
Very useful as I can stick the smalls on them and hang them under the garden umbrella out of that wet stuff they keep chucking upon us .
Organiser box Robinia ? I have several of those too.....they're all full of junk ..Hehee.... :)
I've often thought that too Neti but it can't be surely ?
He has a wife etc and I had a long conversation with him about libraries !
Quaite braight here at the mo' but thunderstorms later they reckon .Usual summer weather .
As for going out anywhere I may as well forget it for the time being .I got as far as the park and had to come back .Me leg's like a tree trunk :) I envy that Jake the Peg chap ..he had an extra one :)
Hope you are all OK .toodlepip for now x
He is shaney, and he is the wife!! Still I'll not spread it on AB let him have his little ways. btw he doesn't have neighbours, only a group of old women who play tennis on his court occasionally. His house is in a very deserted area, although very beautiful gardens (and guess who does not do the gardening or the housework or go out to work?)
he is very knowledgeable about books, my sister had a super conversation about Royalty of long ago with him, I got bored!!
Well in that case he's incredibly good at the multiple personality bit and I believe he's been posting for the whole time he's supposed to have been in hospital....curious.

I was going to buy a peggy but I had this vision of it whirring round & round until it hurtled off into the wide blue yonder & was reported as a UFO over Norfolk...hahaha...
yes, I thought he sounded like IaP, with the opera and everything. I wasn't sure about the alleged wife but I remember him posting as Mystress, so I didn't rule it out. But he seemed to be well while claiming IaP wasn't, so it was hard to say for sure. I presume he really is ill and not just posing?
It is, for sure, as I have communicated with him as Mr V!!
Bloomin eck....he only met you a couple of times netti,now he doesent know if he's him or his boyfriend....(she's even con-fused her pegs she has..) (:O)yo
see now that's what i love about this place, the only thing we really hate is bad manners and cruelty. Apart from that we all just live and let live and lots of us try and help each other a bit too.
DH has gone out on the razz tonight....well not much of a razz as he's taken the car so no alcohol at all will pass his lips (no he doesn't inhale or use enemas either) I have kindly agreed to takhe dogs out on y own omorrow morning as he won't b home till well past glass slipper time...aren't I nice? well actually i am s the forecast for tomorrow mornng is persistent persisting down as my riding teacher used to say . The stables were a no swearing zone because of all the children who infested it so we got quite inventive!
I am glad the leg is improving shaney...Neti do you know about my socks? I never ever wear matching socks. I buy loads of pairs of toning shades, blues pinks and mauves, just throw them in the drawer and pull out any two to saves loads of time...have I made your teeth itch yet?
<sits here grinding her teeth!!!>>
Don't you ever randomly pick a matching pair tho' woofy?...I actually picked matching pegs twice...but I wasn't going to let neti see those....make her suffer... we do like a bit of cruelty now & then.

great song Vin....I like the new A-ha song - don't suppose it's very kewl to admit that is it, hehe?
Help, I'm trying to post :(
(Won't they let you paste from Word anymore...?)

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