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rayJchadwick | 23:31 Sun 16th Oct 2005 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
i have ivy coming through my skirting boards and lifting my paving slabs what can I do about it.  It looks good up my walls though.


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get rid of it . it does a lot of damage.

seconded. Spray with weedol at this time of year, in the spring treat new growth with roundup (glyphosate) Be very patient about removing dead growth and keep on treating new growth
You can also get a specialised Ivy killer from garden centres,
Try using "Root Out" (from B&Q or garden centres)
I can't stand ivy. It gets in my house's eaves & lifts the peg tiles.  We cut it right back to the roots a year or so ago but it's back to the roof again.  I'd like to kill it permanently but am worried about killing other plants around it, especially as some of the roots are in somebody elses garden.  Would "Root Out" help me or does it kill everything it touches? (Sorry rayJchadwick for cutting into your thread - my message to you is get rid of the ivy as soon as possible).

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