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fuggy | 10:22 Tue 02nd May 2017 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
Why are the geraniums leave on my small plants turning brown?


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Could be a number of things Fuggy, including over watering, under watering, cold nights, or the stress of replanting. You don't say whether they are in a greenhouse(in which case it could be a bacterial problem) or outside. When the weather warms up and dries out, the problem will probably go away on its own. You can help prevent the spread of disease by clipping off and destroying affected flowers and leaves. Give plants wider spacing so they'll have better airflow around them and dry out more quickly. Use drip irrigation, if necessary, to avoid wetting foliage and flowers when watering. If the problem persists, spray with a protective fungicide.
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Thanks for that, knowing me and my inexperience it's probably the lot.
You will get better as you do more Fuggy. Young plants are very needy but worth it when they thrive. Fingers crossed for some warm dry weather. In my experience wind, particularly a cold wind is the killer early in the growing season.

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