Took some pictures a few minutes ago Fuggy. Not the best morning for the flowers but this is how they are right now.
We put Impatiens in the pots that had Petunias wrecked by the wind and rain. But if you can get them Begonias will last well into Autumn, or Geraniums will do well. The garden centres may be a bit short of stock now Fuggy.
Ta Fuggy. Get planting those Begonias. If you start with just a few(they are expensive to buy as mature plants and difficult to bring on from plugs), then at the end of the year lift them from the pots and tubs. Let them dry then lightly brush off any loose soil. We then wrap each individual corm in newspaper and stow them in the shed/garage in a plastic box with no lid. Come spring we unwrap and inspect them and get rid of any that do not look sound or have obvious fungal infection. We then plant them up individually in a small plastic pot for each one with any shoots uppermost or the hollow side up. I have a cloche that comes out every February to put them in but a warm window cill is just as good. When they are up and running we put them in the main pots.
My favourite flowers in pots are Mandevillas. They flower continuously until late October with a huge amount of blooms with colours white through shades of pink and red. They don't need any attention except water. Some varieties climb and will scramble up anything. They are the most glorious flowers.