My new flat is on the first floor of a house. Getting on in years and my hearing not what it was, I need to hear delivery men arriving to deliver parcels etc.
Would you advise me to get a doorbell that both me and the person at the door can hear, or would a knocker be better? Bearing in mind that I need time to get down the stairs and I don’t want him to disappear with the parcel before I can get down.
I’ve had a look on-line and some of the bells are not waterproof. Cheers.
I have a wireless doorbell like tonyav's link.
One plugged in the hall and one in kitchen. Plays a tune. Ideal for big house. Also have sign on front door - if delivering please be patience. Am on crutches.
Need lights flashing in every room, connected to the doorbell system. Better if connected to your mobile so you can say you're coming via the porch loudspeaker as you make your way downstairs.
If you can afford it get a doorbell that is linked to your phone that enables you to speak to the person. If your hearing gets worse the vibrate function will alert you if you carry your phone with you. If not a loud doorbell is better.