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Why Is It So Difficult For A Couple To Rent A Property If They Wish To Get A Dog?

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dave50 | 20:41 Thu 06th Jan 2022 | Home & Garden
25 Answers
Do all landlords assume that all dog owners are unruly yobs who would let their dog run riot? All adverts say no pets, what would happen if they already had a dog? Is it a choice between losing their beloved pet or being homeless?


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Some dog/cat owners don't train their pets properly & they go to the toilet indoors. (Often on Homes under the Hammer they refer to horrible pet smells when looking at houses for sale.)
When I got married in 1968 we were told no pets no children.
When I asked what would happen if I became pregnant and was told we would be evicted!
If they already had a dog Dave, they'd already have a home and are best off staying put.
Thank God I own my own home and no dog hating moron can tell me what to do !

Also, people can be smelly, people can (and do) destroy things and people can be a nuisance to neighbours.

Give me dogs any day ...
There are ways to get around this problem. When my dog and I were a refused a rental property when I was between selling and buying a new home, I offered an extra month's deposit to be kept in a separate account. If the estate agent was not satisfied with the state of the flat when I left then we would agree a sum of money in compensation. Might not work for everyone but the comment at the end of the tenancy was that the property was in a better state when I left than when I took it over. I got all my money back.

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