I is no longer under Stan what is your mean iron
Gates and why are you is painted the gate iron
Is you mean the gate you leaving outside you home i am mean like gate outside the house you leave hone the gate?
The winner, I was interested in his/her background. It must be difficult to engage with English speakers if your English is not too good. I have been on Francophone sites and can muddle through, but they always know that I am not a Francophone.
you paint the gates after the PO van has just been, knowing that you have circa 4 days for them to dry before the next Royal snail mail delivery, if you are lucky - all very logical out here in the green and beautiful hinterland known as the English countryside.
I'm slowly beginning to understand your answers. I was trying to be helpful, but it seems that elliptic responses are considered more fashionable. I'll continue on my naive route. Thanks to you for patiently pointing out the way you work. :-)