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How Often Do You Update The Wallpaper In Your Living Room?

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construct1245 | 09:04 Tue 08th Aug 2023 | Home & Garden
31 Answers
How Often Do You Update The Wallpaper In Your Living Room?


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Whenever we fancy a change.
We don't have wallpaper. I think it's outdated.
We only have it on the feature wall so I’d change it when I go off it, it’s white with a very faint silver leaf so it still feels light and airey , I’m told the new ‘look’ is thin wooden lattes with a small recess cut out at the base , my son in law was a former painter & decorator ( now a site manager for a large construction company) this is their feature wall
Ps, not the full wall btw, he made a false chimney wall
That will date really quickly, especially for those with kids around.
He’s 19 so it should stay clean for a bit till the next fad comes along :0)
About once in a lifetime. Maybe twice if enthusiastic.
Careful OG. Don't overdo it. ;o)
Naomi...on the contrary. Wallpaper has made a comeback in the past couple of years. Particularly big, bold florals and retro designs from the 50s through 70s.
Not in my house, pasta. I thinks it's ghastly.
I haven't got wallpaper in any rooms.
Easier to just get it emulsioned when it starts to look a bit tired.
I'm with Naomi, it wont be in my house either :-)
We have got wallpaper in the Lounge but it doesn't get changed a lot. With the price of it these days it is to expensive to change too often. Got a washable and scrubbable one this time, safer with the grand children around.
Nothing wrong with good quality blown vinyl wallpaper which can be painted time and time again. Unlike plaster, it doesn't crack.
We recently put blown vinyl wallpaper in one of the bedrooms as the walls have a few dents in them and I am to old now to go the bother of reskimming them which I have done to other rooms in the house in the past. As Ken says it is easy to paint over it.
A good quality blown vinyl can mask a host of imperfections on walls, Shedman. Thankfully:-)
I just looked up blown vinyl wallpaper. While I'm familiar with anaglypta, most of the others look like something I'd want to remove.
Pasta, this is the sort of blown vinyl i mean. Any lumps, bumps, dents, etc, just blend in with the unobtrusive pattern of the paper.
And, as i said earlier, it can be painted over and over again in whatever shade you wish.
I used to re-decorate for a local landlord who had lots and lots of properties and this is the only wallpaper i ever used.

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