There are countries which have facilities whereby, for an increased fee, citizens can get a passport (new or replacement) within 24 hours. I am uncertain as to whether the UK is one of them (in fact, I rather doubt it) - however you can look at this link which gives you a telephone number to call first, then proceed: urgent.asp .
I rather think it much depends on where the person lives. Good luck.
you will need to book an emergency appointment with passport office. you will need filled out passport application form, passport phots ...make sure everything on form is !00% correct and photos are correct too because anything wrong on application form could result in a delay. phone passport office first thing monday morning and with a bit of luck you should have a replacemnt by friday.
good luck x
as you said mOm, instead of mUm, i am assuming, you are american. this site is mostly used by britsh people so i am not sure how much use the responses will be to you.
why not call your travel agent and ask them - they will probably be able to point you in the right direction. there will also be an office in your town that deals with passports so contract your local council and get their number
i am a brummie have got appoinment in liverpool on monday mom really upset my father died in april so we booked this holiday with my sisters so we could have some me time any advice would be appreciated
all sorted went to liverpool they issued moms passport on compassionate grounds she has been so distressed over this and she has had such an awful year thankyou for all your help.
staff at the passport office were wonderful