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Garden Lilies

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anotheoldgit | 16:11 Sun 09th Jul 2006 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
i have a number of various coloured Lilies in the garden some in containers and some in the soil. They have flowered beautifully every year, but this year although they still flowered they have made very little, if any foliage. Can anyone tell me why please?


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You could have the problem as me - vine beetles!!! They are orange coloured, triangular, and lay the most disgusting grubs! slimy and black, on the leaves. A lot of my lillies did not mature at all.
Well actually they�re Lily Beetles and they�re red. See le.asp

for more details. Check the plants regularly and squash them hard between two fingers. These bu**ers fly too!
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Thanks very much for the advice given. I must get some Imidacloprid + Sunflower Oil.(Bayer Provado Ultimate Bug Killer Concentrate, I supose I should get it from any Garden Centre.

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Garden Lilies

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