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Eucalyptus Tree growing out of control. Do the roots grow loads too?

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Denisec4502 | 23:08 Wed 16th Aug 2006 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
We have planted a Eucalyptus tree abut 10 ft from our house. It is growing rapidly. Do the roots cause a problem?


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Hi Denise, Ideally it should be planted at least 2 meters from any water pipes or buildings. Width of roots will grow approx 2/3rd the height of the mature tree . Skylight
i had one close, never did any damage with roots too the house, but it grew at least 12 feet every year, i had to prune it twice a year
i would honestly cut it down, and move it as far away as possibe or move yours
sorry bad english, should say
i would honestly cut it down, and plant one as far away as possibe or move yours, if its not too established
if you type Eucalyptus trees into the search at the bottom of the page, you'll get all the answers you'll need, a couple from me there also.
In brief, the tree does get very large and is only suitable for large gardens and 10ft in my oppiniom is far too close to the house!
We have one, and the garden designer that recommended it was emphatic we must prune it back every year.

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Eucalyptus Tree growing out of control. Do the roots grow loads too?

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