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bad smells in washing

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violetblue | 14:54 Thu 17th Aug 2006 | Home & Garden
5 Answers
Anyone know how to get that horrible sour smell out of wet washing that's been left forgotten in the machine overnight?


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I would just rewash it on a quick cycle.
I tried putting it out on the line, hoping the smell would go away, but no luck, but I found that a rinse cycle with a drop of fabric softener did the trick.
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I've done both things (it's a common habit of mine) but although they smell OK when they're wet, I can smell it coming back in the airing cupboard when they start drying. Oh dear!
Anyone know what causes it to smell so strongly? I find it's worse if I leave slightly damp washing before getting round to ironing it.
warm, damp environment.
perfect for bacteria to grow.
same bacteria as make your sweat smell.

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bad smells in washing

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