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till receipt

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lettertrask | 22:19 Fri 22nd Jun 2007 | Home & Garden
7 Answers
i have lost my till receipt for my microwave thats still under waranty the company wont do anything unless i have a reciept the shop i purchased it from wont do anything ,has anyone else had this problem?


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You need to prove purchase, but this need not be a receipt.

If you paid by credit card, debit card or cheque the statements will be proof enough, or the cheque stub.
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i paid by debit card and i purchased the microwave with the weekly shop thus the statement only provides the total amount spent. i sent them the bank statement but they would not accept this as it did not actually show the puchase of the microwave
Can you find your statement showing the charges for the microwave? Or maybe you can call your debit card company or bank and ask them for a statement from that period when purchased the microwave. I had the same problem but luckily for me it was the store brand, and after 18 years of owning the microwave they give me a new one free.

Good luck!

Eighteen years?!?

One hell of a guarantee
One hell of a microwave.
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till receipt

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