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Chili plants

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meglet | 10:38 Mon 08th Oct 2007 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
I grew a chillis for the first time this year. Will me plant flower again next year or is that it for this plant and I should plant new seeds next year?


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That's it I'm afraid. You need to sow new seeds each year.
Depends on where you're keeping them. If kept warm enough and with enough light most peppers will keep flowering and producing fruit. However, in the UK this is unlikely unless you have a heated greenhouse in a sunny position.
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Thanks both for your answers. I'll plant again next year then!
Actually, many varieties of chilli are perennials, and will live up to 10 years. But that's when they're growing in their natural habitat. Here in the UK it's not easy to keep them in tropical conditions, so we tend to raise them as annuals.

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Chili plants

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