Even here in the U.S. we find the "Euro" style hinges are being used. They allow the doors to be opened to at least 120 degrees to avoid stressing the hinge if the door is pushed arther than the usual 80 degree limit of older hinges.
Those types of hinges are seen here:
http://www.rockler.com/CategoryView.cfm?Cat_ID =55&gclid=CJbOxonzvZcCFQSwFQodJX-5SQ&cookietes t=1
If your's is one of these then there are often leveling adjustments within the screws in the body of the hinge. It's difficult to explain the rather easy adjustment not knowing the type of hinge you have.
Usually, it's not a good idea to loosen the hinge at the face of the door since resetting the screws in the wood doesn't work very well. If you find that's the only option, be sure to use a drop or two of common white carpenter's glue on the threads before re-screwing. This will helphold them...
Best of luck!