My cats take them in, I wait until I see the mouse, they usually keep to the edges of the room, get a box with an attached flap down lid, place it strategically and then with one of those big fluffy dusters on a stick help it along in that direction. Shut the lid. Easy :))
If you catch it in a humane trap ( yes peanut butter or chocolate is good ) then take it at least 2 miles away before releasing it or it will race you back to house and might even beat you.
Mice love chocolate - I have found that chocolate covered raisins work best. I use a humane trap and let them loose a way off. I know it's not the best answer but it gives the poor mouse a fighting chance which they don't get in a spring trap.
I have one indoors at the moment - caught the cheeky little devil pinching the cat's biscuits so I must get the trap out
a bit of mars bar in a trap seemed to work for me when my cat used to bring me in mice.... i had to resort to killing one or two myself (not nice but ...had to be done).. I did manage to usher one out the door tho... phew!!
get poison from local hardware shop; fill containers wear rubber gloves when touching containers and place under furniture out of children & animals reach. End of mice.
Poison is the WORST thing to buy. They eat it then go away and die, then you have mice rotting in your walls. thats a nice smell. DO not get poison for inside a house.
Please don't use glue traps. They are disgustingly cruel and should be banned. At least a spring trap is (usually) a very quick death for the creature.
We had mice many years ago when I lived at home and my Mum was terrified. A man at work told me to crush some glass in a bucket and mix it with putty. Put this mixture around EVERY pipe and this will stop them coming in. Remember that mice can get through a hole the size of a biro 'nib' !
The electrosonic(?)mouse deterrents emit beams(only in straight lines) which cause the mice to avoid the areas covered. We have them scattered throughout the house, but also take great effort to stop them getting into the house in the first instance.