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Thanks guys, for allyour suggestions, but when I cam ome yesterday my neighbour said he had seen a squiirel fromhis window and he had beenmaking anoter hole this time above the guttering, so now it seems the male has come back for the female, b ut instead of leaving they are both up there. I ve just been up in the attic because they were driving me mad and one of the cheeky blighters came out of the hole while I was on the ladder right over to where I was spotted me and wnet back again, five minutes later the other one came out and did the same thing, so I took back the nuts! Used to like squirrels! Took my cat up there yesterday and she was interested for a while. Guess it will have to be the pest control, then I will have to get someone to put something over all of the wood above and below the guttering or it will happen again. I guess