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how do i stop the mortar on my garden wall turning green. The wall was only build in October 2010.

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smeghead | 12:39 Sun 06th Feb 2011 | Home & Garden
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Scrub it with a diluted bleach solution, or a solution of Jeyes fluid.
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Thanks. I'll give it a go.
Pour urine on it, perhaps, or would that make the mould grow? Seriously though, NazNomad has told you the right thing, but make sure it is not going to rain for the next day or two, or your bleach will wash off. Bleach is quite cheap, so should not cost much to do this.
You could use a power washer.
Spray with bleach, cheap and affective.

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how do i stop the mortar on my garden wall turning green. The wall was only build in October 2010.

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