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Now I need a Mary costume

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sherrardk | 20:57 Fri 11th Nov 2011 | How it Works
12 Answers
My daughter has been given the role of Mary in the school nativity - any one got any ideas for a costume, I am rubbish at sewing, don't have a sewing machine and am completely out of ideas. Thanks.


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just a dress with a bit of blue material over would be ok (and over her head too)
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Hi Bednobs - she's not a dress kind of girl (and the ones she does have have been bought by himself so the are very flouncy). Have looked on the net but you can tell they have been bought and it is sort of frowned upon as bad form (lack of effort!).
What about just making a tabbard sort of thing from some blue or white material and just drape a piece over her head. Either that or a simple white shift dress with a blue belt and cape. Shift dresses are really easy to make..
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^This is new!! haha!
A simple straight-up-and-down tunic sort of thing would do, held in by a plain belt, which could just be a bit of material tied round her waist. A sheet or some cotton material (blue as Bednobs suggested) stitched together. A bit time-consuming without a sewing machine, but not complicated. It just needs a hole for the head and one for each arm: you could make a pair of sleeves, simple tubes of the same material. And some sort of simple headdress to finish it off. Good luck!
with due respect to Mary, what crap is that?
(not you, Bambi)
sherrardk why not buy a cheap blue sheet,cut it to size,then cut a hole for her head and tie round the waist with a belt.
Thank you, DT!! Have to say I was also wondering.
Lots of places sell these now. Check out your local Asda or Tesco.
Is the towel on the head still mandatory?

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Now I need a Mary costume

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