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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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Hear - here!!??!! I'm tired
the life you lead, you should be tired 24/7, Jude. I went to Waitrose again and... that's about it...
We just watched a load of junk tv and ate too much and now it's time for bed. Sis goes home on Tuesday. I am fine on my own but the time with her does fly by....
Anyway loads to do before she comes back...busy busy! Oight oight all
Lazy day here .
Sat in the garden,read a book and slurped tea. Beans and fried eggs on toast for dinner.We live high on the hoof here :)
Watched a film I recorded ..The Other Bolyen Girl .It was quite good if not very historically accurate and the ending was a foregone conclusion !
Oight Oight .Sleep toight.
the sun is shining, the birds were singing but I think they've stopped for breakfast. Today's tasks: deliver page proofs to publisher, phone up airline to see why they awarded me hundreds of (earned) air miles then immediately removed them again, ring up magazine to see why they've removed my (expensive) access to their website for the fourth time in a year. Who invented the internet anyway?
Sitting at clinic waiting for the blood clinic to open at 8.30. So hungry and would love a cup of tea. I'm 3rd in thank goodness. Later 'gaters!
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Morning all...
Oh I do enjoy the simple pleasures & a hot shower is one of them. I could run around in there for hours but the shower head could do with a descale so I'm sending it to you neti and I'd like it back by return of post please. (Viacal's rubbish these days, bloomin nanny state...thou shalt pay through the nose for chemicals as weak as water)

I hope you've donated your armful by now Jude and you're back home with huge cuppa! I'm worn out already today and that was just by reading about your busy life, you seem very happy...good on yer! as they say :)

Sitting by an OPEN window listening to the birds, it's glorious and looks set for a week or more, woo! It's what we all need. Gardener's day today, better go and get the tea bags in.
Good morning. Will be back later - I am just going to get some breakfast.
Morning all
Lovely day .
Hope you are all Ok today .I'm just off to get my wig adjusted .
See you later .Be good.
Just typed and lost a long post from phone so will do it later.
Good morning you lot are up early.
robi I use the purple with orange head cillit bang for the showerhead. I spray it inside and out and put on a plastic bag for a couple of secs and rinse thoroughly. Quite good, better than the hydrochloric acid I usually use!
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Thanks neti but I did declare to my sister that I could never have anything called cillit bang in my house...she might check my cupboards :)

Catch shaney! hurls wig
....have mine fumigated and twinked while your there please. Actually I think there'll be lots of hair on the Ed's floor this morning...poor guy's got his work cut out today. I do love him when he's masterful.
Right, I'm orf this time.
I use Cillit Bang for all manner of things, especially as we live in a hard water area. My wig was shorn very short this week, but it looks quite good actually - needs to be highlighted again though!!

I am now off to water the garden. Got a physio appointment this afternoon - she won't know where to start, I hurt everywhere!!!

See you later.
I could run around in there for hours

Well you have to with English showers, don't you, at least if you want to get wet.

Right, I am back online with the magazine without even asking, they must have noticed my tragic absence. The airline removed my points because thy've been transferred to Virgin but Virgin aren't going to give them to me either because I don't have the boarding passes, so back to BA airmiles methinks. So that's just the proofs to take into lovely sunny Lunnun today.
Finally back home again. Internet is vrty slow atm, and I think my car is dying. Just been out to deliver an oil painting to a friend and the car is juddering all over the place with a funny almost triangular/round light flashing in the corner of the dashboard. As I was in the country, I decided to keep going, but do not like it one bit, no idea what the light means, there is no flat tire, there is water and petrol, what more does the damned car want??? Very glad to get it back home into the garage.

I think summer is finally on the way. very pleasant out with a refreshing breeze.
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Pee gee tee half price at the co-op. I bet the gardener won't be half price.

which magazine is that then jno, Biddy Tatts and Piercings monthly?

Pleasant here too neti, comfortably warm.Have you tried googling the make of your car + key words about the flashing light? Or ask in motoring. I keep ending up in there when I'm on my kindle, it's a bit fiddly navigating this site.

You show us the exercises Lottie ....and we'll sit and watch and tell you whether you're doing them properly.
I feel a bit more highlighted now .It's lovely here out in the back garden but the wind is chilly off the sea out the front .
Grr keep losing posts today. Pressed something and a huge magnifying glass appeared and my screen was magnified to a ridiculous amount!!

Hope to get my wig sorted this week when hija gets paid!!

Robi I use cillit bang for lots of things, it's great. We have an acrylic bath and cannot use Vim or Cif as too grainy, bu CB really removes the dirt and makes the taps sparkle, I love it.

" Hi I'm Barry Scott..... "
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Oh no you isn't

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