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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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( Blackbird singing in the dead of night! )
Yes Lottie, that sounds just like Mr N to me, silly beggers aren't they, and so petty, mine will get an earful in the morning! I know when to bide my time.
Hello all you busybiddies. We didn't do much at all today...bought some plants and had a splendiferous lunch at the nursery and did some gardening.
Shaney go to the doc and put your foot down, you would expect better from your plumber so why not your doctor.
I hate swimming and cannot do it at all, hate swimming baths too. I am a sinker, always have been.
My birds are shouting all day and well into the night now, I love to hear it.
Sis goes home tomorrow for six ish weeks, she comes back for my birthday.
Really tired and got a busy morning tomorrow, laters all, oight oight
Lol ..
I love swimming and I'll blow my own trumpet and say I'm a good swimmer .
When we lived in London I used to swim regularly in Morden Park pool .
Considering we live in a seaside town our pool is awful and I wouldn't even put a toe in the water .Filthy hole .Plus it's too far to go .The other smaller one is exclusively for the schools and swimming clubs. The public can use it at the crack of dawn but again ,too far away for me .
I may go back to the doctor but I've done this all before and they just say there's nothing they can do and out I come with yet another prescription for Ibruprofen !
Just been watching part 2 of The Americans and the Russian spies were chomping on Beluga caviar, so I delved into the back of the fridge and lo and behold there is my jar of cheapo fish eggs from xmas, so just had a goodly feast with crisps, oh lovely, then I thought maybe it was off (it tasted fine) so checked the date and it's ok til Sep 2013, but as previously mentioned these things do not usually worry me, but fish eggs? you can't be too careful! I love them popping in my mouth!
Ooh ... that's just reminded me Neti .I recorded The Americans part one .I must make a note to watch it .Is it any good ?
They say it's going to be the next big thing ,as big as The Sopranos.
Yuk to fish eggs. I hate fish roe of any sort. I like fish though.

Am going to bed now. We are still not communicating here at the LL residence - except for the occasional yes and no and the hose pipe is in a dead straight line stretched out from the front to the back garden. I refuse to wind it up as I obviously can't do it properly.

Oight oight biddies x
Oight Oight Lofty .
Your hosepipe sounds like our dishwasher .I can't load it properly apparently :)
Sleep toight biddies.
Yes shaney am really enjoying The Americans, just seen part 3, I have downloaded all the first series. Was watching part 2 when Mr N decided to come to bed early (men honestly!!) so I came to the front room and am watching it on lappy. Would like to watch pt 4 now but thinks it is a tad late and I had better go to bed, perchance to dream!! Didn't see the Sopranos but if you say it is good, then I will download it.
Laughing at lottie's hosepipe, I know the feeling.

Will away to bed now, oight oight
I'm still sat here .
The Sopranos is a bit gruesome in parts Neti (it's about the mafia ) but it's also hilariously funny in parts too when you get into it .Quite a bit of ripe language though and sex !
I loved it !
jno jnr has rung up to insist that I must watch Black Mirror on C4 catchup, so I will try to do that some sunny day.

I will take my cough to the doctor tomorrow, but the appointment's in the morning and the cough doesn't really get going till mid-afternoon, so I may have to fake it. Now into its tenth exciting week. OH will be orff to Westminster Abbey for the coronation celebrations and I will be coughing my lungs out in a grotty surgery, how is this fair.
Oh dear jno. Hope the doc can sort you out. If you were the Queen you would be sorted out by now ;o).
so true... I feel sorry for SJ's mum but I think that's a bad individual doctor, not systemic poor treatment in the NHS. OH had very swift service with cancer (a melanoma) - biopsy done, and whisked straight into hospital and operated on the day the results came back. That's what the NHS is supposed to provide for everyone and I think it mostly does.
good morning all, its another lovely day here. Dogs have run miles and are now snoring and i will be soon.
Good morning , just taken car into the garage to be mended, serviced and checked but unfortunately not valeted!

My sis was Bupa but decided to stick with NHS for her cancer and she had marvellous treatment, even though it is terminal, she gets something put into her neck every month to kill the pain, whereas my B-i-l started off with bupa for his bad toe, but the waiting time was dreadful, so after they took his leg off he switched to NHS, but his carer was to blame mostly for taking a diabetic man to a normal chiropodist who beggered up his toe in the first place!
Will give the Sopranos a go although I am off sex and violence.

Lovely sunny day and not hot, Mr N has gone searching for swimming pool paint at a good price as it varies so much.

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Morning all... yawn
I didn't have a very good night, neither did next door's toddler, tut....but it's blue skies and ☼ ☼ ☼. Just call me robi-redbreast, I've got a striking bib this morning...serves me right for wearing a scoop neck libby yesterday.

I hope they do something for that cough jno, I thought my five week stint a few years ago was more than long enough. Keep your tiara pinned on tight. Actually someone was asking for tiaras in the charity shop yesterday...I gave her shaney's address ;o).... I've found us all a summer alternative, some of the kids were wearing these on their way to school and they looked lovely in the sunshine

yay hija has got paid, she's given me 50€, of course she owes me sooo much more, but it'll do for a hair cut. We had brekkie together, then trailed round the perfume shops (it has to have a name, Armani in this case, smells like old tyres on me!) then shoe shops for boots, which we all wear here in the summer when young! She treated me to some dark purple name varnish for my toenails, got to keep modern!
name? is that the swear filter kicking in?? NAIL VARNISH!!

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