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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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Agree jno, 50 yrs ago I could change the opil filter on a mini and knew when to rock the car when the starting motor got stuck and could always clean the spark plugs on my motorbike over here, but now I owuldn't even know where to look! Yes the garage did have to plug in a computer to find out why my engine warning light was on, I had all sorts of horrific imaginations when driving it to garage this am, thought the clutch would drop out, thought the whole kit and caboodle would catch on fire. But 154€ for spark pluigs and 2 spark plug leads, well who can argue these days??
My DH never gave a rooty tooty hooty about stuff like how the hose was rolled up.
I missed all the Royal stuff today,meant to watch it but got distracted by being out in the garden in the lovely weather. I have been relocating some of my plants in tubs.
I can do mechanical stuff but infinitely prefer not to. I love the fact that my current car is not diy friendly, it doesn't even have a spare tyre, just a can of stuff that seals the hole and reinflates the tyre enough to get home and get it fixed.
Oh and my bikini line never sees the light of day!
depends how close you are to the nearest workshop though, woofy. (For the car, I mean, not the bikini line.) If the car is really kaput I rely on the AA to fix it up enough for me to drive five miles to the garage. Fortunately I have become a Gold Card Member (sounds a bit Austin Powersish) this year despite ordering them to cut their premium in half or I'd switch to the RAC.
I use the RAC, I buy it with tesco points and save a bomb.
I switch my Tesco points to BA miles. All the more now I have decided to ditch Virgin.
well, I now have eight steroids to take every day - tiny little 5mg things, I take all eight at once, don't know why they don't just do a single 40mg one.

But they haven't started working yet cough cough
I expect they need some time to kick in Jno .
Hopefully they'll do the trick for you .
Picky has a week off and has informed me he'll be making his way here tomorrow for Mr S to look over his accounts and he'll take us out for lunch .
Great ..No cooking !
Oight Oight lovelies ,sleep toight .
Dogs have decided that its fun to be out in the garden after dark, they keep rushing in and grinning at me and rushing out again. Its lovely and cool sitting here and we will all lie in in the morning....bliss.....
Good morning biddies. Mr N is up early painting the pool, so am having an early cuppa in bed.

We don't have AA here it is all included with our car insurance although I never call them, I call Mr N and he sorts it.
good morning, we are up and lazing.
Morning all
Bit dull here this morning.I hope it's going to brighten up though.
Hope you're all Ok this morning .
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Morning all...dull here too. Enjoy your lunch shaney.

woofy I was thinking about Charlie last night, he always loved to potter in and out at dusk when I could leave the door ajar on warm evenings. (We did have some once, didn't we?) One night a frog followed him in and hid under the chair, I wouldn't have known if he hadn't sniffed it out. :)
Dull here and dampish and chilly. Was going to change the sheets but thought better of it.
so hands up who think I should get up and get dressed?

Hmmm, no quorum, I see. Maybe I'll just slob around in my underwear and think about it some more.
I think there must be a neti filter on this website, half of my posts do not appear!!
hang on, just seeing if this works...

just sending the chopper down to Tescos to do my shopping
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jno can you will him to fly over Derby and drop some shopping off for me please? I've done enough on the domestic front but I've just eaten my last crust and the b'birds haven't got a single raisin between them so I've got to rev up me trolley....
No rest for the sticked.
it's just taking a consignment of Marmite to the Balearics to some lonely widow, I'll get it do detour to Derby on the way back.

beams Derbyshire thought out
Oh lovely, you either love it hate it! I am not some lonely widow!!! and thanks all the same, but we are vwery enlightened here, we can buy Marmite, it's places like Barca and Madrid where tis hard to find!

Bl**dy computer is playhing up again, "cannot conect to server" keep popping up, have gone back to IE but still no good. Have tried to colour the layers at the back of my hair, but have had to do it 2x in the hope that it will all look one colour.

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