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One In Fifty Of The Albanians In The Uk Are In Prison...

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sandyRoe | 16:34 Sat 05th Oct 2024 | News
16 Answers

... according to a report in today's Telegraph.  If this is true it's a shocking indictment of our society.  What are we doing wrong that has led to this, and what could we do to facilitate their assimilation into our world?

First step, a Royal Commission, perhaps?



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Always thought St Albans was quite genteel.

Every foreign criminal should be thrown out of the country.

^I'll second that.

^I third that^

I thought it would be more than that - obviously a lot are getting away with it...

damn savages

One in 50 may be incarcerated but the other 49 should be sent packing!

During my last few years in the service it was estimated that 40% of the prisoners were not native to this country.

"What are we doing wrong that has led to this, and what could we do to facilitate their assimilation into our world?"

Make it a statutory defence for any Albanian to be found not guilty committing any criminal offence??

And that's just the ones that have been caught. 



And just ignore their victims as moaners, stuff them!

"What are we doing wrong that has led to this,..."

We're admitting large numbers of people from a country where orgnised crime and corrupion are rife, when there is no need or justifiction to do so.

"...and what could we do to facilitate their assimilation into our world?"

Nothing. They are unlikely to respond to anything with that aim and, in short, are not wanted in "our world" (i.e. the UK).

"First step, a Royal Commission, perhaps?"

No. It would take too long and be a waste of time and money. The first step is to ensure that all those Albanians currenly in prison are deported immediately they are released (i.e. taken direcly from prison and placed on a flight to Tirana).

The second step is to ensure that nobody from that country is permitted to settle here and strict immigration rules, including the requirement to obtain a visa before leaving Albania, imposed and enforced..

labour won't do anything tories did nothing either, it's very odd that this has been allowed to carry on for years unchecked, echr? or they just don't care, i wonder what thatcher would have done? i know what i would do, deport en-mass - murderers, thye are a special case for the rope.

I bet the number of MPs fiddling their expenses is more than 1 in 50.

@17.26.Aye,good luck with that NJ.

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