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Right Who Wants To Be Leader Then?

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ToraToraTora | 15:04 Sat 05th Oct 2024 | News
9 Answers

I imagine hezbollah will be struggling to get a willing volunteer to be their next leader!



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With all them virgins waiting you'd think they'd be queueing up in droves..

-- answer removed --

Isn't martyrdom the highest of their callings?

We call it fast-tracking.

I think the leaders prefer to leave the martyrdom to someone else.  Anyone else.

It's the same the world over.

Strange site this.Seems like blood soaked terrorists and their apologists on this site are a protected species on this site.-"Answer removed"-Why?

You might think you're being funny or clever posting comments involving testicles but you're not and it's inappropriate.

I suggest that if you want the deletions to stop, stop posting testicles...

Come off the high horse TCL(i was going to call you hun,but i wont)this is terrorists we are talking about,not ordinary decent people-terrorists,terrorists now ,terrorists then.I dont give a damn whether these  terrorist scum keep their testicles or not,as long as they are not killing ordinary,decent people like you or me.

I think they found out that the virgins were`nt guaranteed to be female. They might as well paint a target on their head, Mossad seems well informed.

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Right Who Wants To Be Leader Then?

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