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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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jno after 42yrs living here, my skin is toughter than aluminium!

Yay have another English wedding to attend next June, another dress coming up!!
lol Neti you have a long time to save up for your new dress!..
Good to have you back after your very 'shortnaughtystep' episode.
I have no idea what it was all about.
I went to the Love at Lunch programme at the theatre in Nottingham today. There were 5 stories about love. One was about Abelard and Heloise and their tragic love affair which was factual. Another about Pyramus and Thisbe from Roman Mythology. I did enjoy the hourand then we went to Bistro Pierre for lunch. Chicken in creamy leek sauce and then we had their cheese board.Loverly!
The weather has been quite sunny but a wind that I wish would drop cos when the sun goes behind a cloud it goes cold.

Hope you're all okand you have a good night.
Abelard and there was a weird one....
I had home made paella for dinner and made enough for lunch tomorrow. painter man is back tomorrow then not here wed and thurs, maybe back friday if needed.
I made shep's pie but will have to get used to the new mini oven, Oh I loved the old one, knew how it went and how long, this one is all trial and error. Hija had pork sate and fried noodles, so I was busy.

Oh corrie was good, poor David, is he goig to become evil again?

Going to watch Long lost families if internet lasts, so will say

oight oight x
Oight oight all. My lovely Brother is coming again to stay tomorrow so it's get the spare room sorted time again.
Laters 'gaters
You've been a busy bee Jude ! I don't know if I could sit through tragic love affairs though . Hope your tum is settling .
Turned out quite nice here after all and tomorrow is summer here according to Accu .
22c and sunny .After that it goes pear shaped again .
Oooh I went to seed years ago Robinia :)
Hope you've all had a good day though and it's Oight Oight from me .
Have just popped in before retiring. Had a lovely day yesterday and have been tired all day today. Be back tomorrow.

Oight oight xx
goodness, it's going to be 82 tomorrow. But raining, of course. I suppose there's something to be said for warm rain.
Morning all
Warm and sunny here . Yes ,even warmer tomorrow Jno but raining ,then thunderstorms .
Hope you are all ok this morning .I'm going to venture out shortly for a bit of retail therapy .
Question Author
Morning...dull and not particularly warm yet but it's supposed to be later on and tomorrow.

I've clean forgot what I was going to say so I'll waffle a bit...I don't know about Roy's Rolls (Corrie) being haunted but I think my house was last night...all kinds of tapping and rumbling going on, a strange but not unpleasant smell, and there was a flickering on the landing, the way it looks when you pass someone's window and there's a tv on inside. I'm not scared by these things, just curious. Why do ghosts never do anything useful like run round with the vac? I can drift about and randomly move things and I'm still (half) alive...

Hope everyone's groans and rumblings are improving....I'd better go and haunt the co op....
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note to self: remember to buy some body slop, my skin's so dry I'm leaving a trail of white dust everywhere.
Morning all.

OMG Robi, I'd be out of there like a shot, a burglar I can deal with, spooks no way!

Overcast and humid here, Mr N is having trouble with his s/pool pump, no idea if it is working or not, so will keep out of the pool cos if it sets off I may get electrocuted (or is that his dastardly plan!)

Was chatting to two old ibicenco neighbours and their carers, all about their aches and pains, when my hip started giving me gip, so I said adieu and scarpered, enough of that.

No energy today (cos am back on here) shall have to unplug the computer if I want to get anything done!
greetings from the department of internal affairs.... I have just spent the miserablest couple of hours of my life, utterly constipated - desperately needing to go, but unable. Guzzled a litre of fizzy water and had a bowl of prunes and ultimately breakthrough was achieved. But hours of moaning and sweating... and of course I still feel bloated and queasy.

Sorry for oversharing, but you know how it is.
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Neti if anything wanted to hurt me I'm sure it would have done by now, heaven knows I'm annoying enough.
Jno couldn't you have made a dental appt or something? That works for me. Thanks for sharing tho....Speaking of which, my dentists still haven't called me.
I was quite shocked, I don't think I've ever felt so uncomfortable in my life (and I have had root canals without anaesthetic). I'd always thought it was one of those jokey ailments; but one lives and learns.

A dentist who doesn't call, that sounds like a good idea. Can you just mail your teeth in for a checkup?
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I've just remembered, for future reference when bunged up, according to my sis Slim Fast works like dynamite within an hour. She and her friend have renamed it it sh1t fast.
Oh I know the feeling too well jno, but surely you feel better after that? Driving someone to the airport loosens me up no end, almost can't get there.

Oh Robi, I hate unexplained noises, well I hate explained noises too but at least I know what to do with them.
When in dire need jno I resort to suppositories, horrible but effective, prunes take at least a day for me.
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yes, I'm a bit worried about the punes, I hope you aren't 'up all night with ya hat on' jno Nottm folks would say.

I've come inside now, the sun's gone in and it's very headachey.
jno jnr has just been for a visit, so gve him birthday presents for himself (a Heath Robinson), though it isn't till November, and his gf. She is called Lucy as she was born on the day with most light, June 21, and Lucy means light. They are off to Mykonos next week, I think. I believe they have something called sunshine there.

Well, something worked eventually, neti, I don't know if it was the prunes or the water. I am still feeling bloated, but that's better than feeling I'm about to explode (rather messily). I don't think I'll be leaving the house today. I'm still shaking a bit from it all, though.

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