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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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oh, spooky, I've been wondering if baby tarquin will make his entrance on the 21st, there are some strange coincidences with his partner and that would fit in. I doubt he'll want to be called Lucy tho'.
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well I'll go to the foot of ower stairs, Luke is a name on the shortlist...and that too means light...woo
seriously jno, it plays temporary merry hell with your blood pressure and no wonder you feel shakey. I have a beautiful new side gate that looks like a stable door and nice man says he can put me in a larger fish pond when I want it. I don't know why i didn't think of him before.
I am doing a marathon card making session as My niece and her husband and kids come to the UK for July every year (they live in Dubai) neice and her bro have July birthdays, as does one child but sending to Dubai is a hit and miss business so I do cards for niece, hub, and both children all in July and send them to my sis(not sis who visits, other sis who is a midwife) for distribution. There's also my godson and his brother in july but then nothing more until November. I can't even duplicate designs because 5 of them go to the same family, as do the other two.
Love the idea of Luke and Lucy for children born on the 21st.
waves to Neti
Lucifer? There's a name that seems to have fallen out of use.
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I'm sure some celeb will resurrect it jno.
I texted T and he said if baby's born on the 21st he'll be called Cosmic Moondust...hahaha
Nah Robi, that's a girl's name...
My adopted sister was born on June 21st and she is called Lynette although for obvious reasons we call her Poppet.
Here Cosmi is a boy's name.
Back from retail therapy .Lovely Tula bags 50% off but I stood firm and averted my eyes and tottered straight past .Managed to get rid of my M&S vouchers though .A pair of slippers and a bra ..sooo exciting :)
It was lovely earlier in Suffolk but now I'm back in Norfolk it's clouded up and is very oppressive and muggy .
Oh crumbs Jno ,nothing worse than bunged upness .Hope you feel a bit better now .My bank balance always does the trick for me :)
I hadn't realised bunged up was so painful. Anyway, I don't want to get too desktoppy with reports on my innards, but thanks for kind and helpful comments.
jno you cannot tease us and then not tell us more, I want the ins and outs (if you'll excuse the pun!)
I am so proud of myself. I got 2 wifi booster from Amazon (someone got them for me) but just could not install on my windows 8, even with the driver link from google, so I contacted the company and they sent me another link and yay after clicking and clunking typing in my password (wasn't sure that is what they asked for) and it is up and running, so had a go at hija's cos she win 7 and it is supposedly for win 7, popped in the little disc and lo and behold (wish I'd stop saying that) it all starting installing and then again I had to type in my password (there again not too sure that is what they wanted) but now her's is working and even in the loo room, well you never know. It's this thick stone walls, am delighted.
Just going to read through and catch up with you properly. It might take a while. I just had to have a say on Gromit's thread!!
A quick oight oight from The Midlands. Bro here at the mo sitting on the back door step playing his guitar. Laters 'gaters
bigups to Neti....(sorry jno, that's not the same as bigjobs snigger) painterman has finished and gone for this visit. I have a beautiful new side gate and my sheds and hall, stairs and landing are beautifully clean and painted.
Jude, there used to be a musician (real one) who lived at the back of me. On summer evenings there would be guitar music or sometimes wind instruments, it was lovely but I think they have moved.
Lottie, i saw your comments on Gromit's thread, well said!!
Whoop whoop Neti ..They are repeating The Americans .
I caught up with The White Queen earlier's great .Hunky men in armour,winsome maidens in wimples and a bit of how's yer father .....wonderful :)
Very muggy here .
Oight Oight lovelies ,sleep toight

Morning all, s/pool pump still not working, Mr N very grumpy! :-(

Waiting for him to bring some bread back so I can have brekkie.

Can't stand medaeval things so when I saw all the chainmail clunking and clinking I changed over to Marple.

Lovely lazy day, nothing planned, not meet anyone for anything, quite luxurious really.( but I do want my brekkie soon! )

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