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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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Yes Robi, you poor old thing, I couldn't cope with feeling so bad most of the time. Try some Sanatogen!
Well Neti whatever next Nadal,Federer. I reckon it'll be a Murray v Djokavic (sp!) final don't you.

I do hope you feel better soon Robi.Thinking about you.

Shaney this is my latest - bought in a sale I might add. What do you reckon :)

I'm really going to have to move now and get sorted for the plumber coming tomorrow to put my new tap thingy in. I went to school this afternoon and haven't moved from the telly until the tennis finished.

Oight oight everyone
love that bag...I have a thing about bags. We are watching late night tv, at least I am, dogs are kipping. We are staying home tomorrow because Rab is better but not fixed.
That's nice jude, I also have a thing about bags, rings, boots, towels, sheets curtains anything I can get my hands on in fact.
oh and mobile smartphones, love 'em.

oight oight,

oight oight all
Can't sleep! Have just had some crusty bread and jam, that may help.
Back to AB today after a busy couple of weeks. Will catch up with all your news later xx
good morning all. We have sun!!
We have no sun overcast but warm .
Hope you are all ok this morning .
Lovely bag Jude .I haven't bought a bag for ages which is unlike me :)
Yep ,the big guns are dropping like flies at Wimbledon .I think that German guy is pretty good .
Anyway disaster strikes at Shaneytowers .We've had a couple of floor tiles started to lift so as Picky was here last night he pulled the dishwasher out .
It's been slowly leaking all underneath the cupboards.Deep joy.

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Morning ...bright and cool, rain on the way apparently.
Oh dear shaney, anything that leaks in my kitchen always flows backwards where you can't see. Hope it's fixable.

Neti you weren't there when I looked in in the early hours..couldn't sleep, I know I was awake til 5ish and then a soddin Orange text woke me at 7,45 grrrrr!
Thanks all for your concern, don't worry about me, I've been through phases like this before, it's just a combo of fibro, some worries and probably a virus..and don't forget the weather. I'll try and get myself together so I don't keep moaning.

Woofy I looked back and saw your fab garden pics. I love that rosa mundi? I always wanted one but I've no plans for adding any more to mine.

Love the bag Jude..I saw a lovely radley one the other day but it was very expensive, even in the sale.
the rose is variegata di bologna
Its a bit of a so and so, very thorny, too big for the space it is in and a martyr to black spot, but I love it and the scent is amazing. Its quite useful where it is as you'd need to be mad to struggle through it and hop over the fence there...and if you did, you'd meet a bed of nettles, then a pyracantha and a mahonia lol. I don't do things by halves.
Lol Robinia moan away .It's good for the soul :)
This weather is doing my head in .It's just non weather really .A fleeting burst of sunshine between layers of cloud .I'm bunged to the gunnels with sinus and I ache .
The dishwasher is in the garden and I've ordered a new one .All I need to do now is get down and my hands and knees (ouch) and clear the grunge up .
Bggr and **** it .
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Yes shaney, I was watching some women jogging on the tele, I wish I could. Or have Judes spirit and stamina. :)
So no new bags for you this week then :(

Oh yes woofy, it's similar...and a great way to trap potential trespassers.
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Btw shaney...Deric Longden sadly died at the weekend. I wonder if they'll show one of the dramas on tv, the one with Pete Postlethwaite maybe.
moaning and swearing encouraged on this thread, its good for the soul.
Yes Biddyfriends 'Fuffoowaff' as much as you like! I've done it such a lot this past 12 months....:)
Plumber has been and gone and I'm £90 lighter. Just have to save up now for Car Service, MOT and Insurance and trying to avoid handbags I can't resist!
Spagbol now for a quick lunch then more tennis!!!! I just love it.
Shaney I'm trying to keep up with you on the handbags and it sounds like you're trying to keep up with me on the leaking appliances. Sorry about that.
I hope all aches and pains are being kept at bay - 'keep taking the tablets' is now my new saying and I am doing so.

Laters 'gaters

Good day peeps. I am so pleased with myself, I have managed to google and get old lappy into safe mode and then to remove the password that I had forgotten so that is now up and running again, and here were all the companies asking 100€ or more to do it for me! (It wouldn't open into windows screen only my name and password required!)

Then had brunch with hija, changed and washed all my bedding and the mattress cover which I put on last week as it is a winter one.

Mr N and I chopped off quitre a few branches of the huge rubber tree, and he's locked the saw away as I have itchy fingers and want to chop down everything in sight!

Just had a swim and a bit of sunbathe but it was too boring just laying there!
Started on Ashes to Ashes last night, but it was so samey, and I missed Sam Tyler so I was really stoopid and I googled it and now I know the ending, they are all dead anyway!!! Don't like Keely Hawes so may not finish watching, it sounds daft now. :-(
...and our European Health cards came through in the post today, so NHS cannot refuse us treatment if we need it in blightly!!

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