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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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(Is this the neti blog)

My car goes for it's revision tomorrow, had the appointment for 6 or more weeks, only one testing place on the island, and I hate taking it so Mr N is doing it. They go under the car and then the wheels go on a shaky machine and the whole car joggles about, so last year I leapt out and refused to get in again so the tester had to get in the car and do the rest. They passed me pretty quickly!
Oh that's very sad news Robinia .I liked his books .Be nice if they showed Lost for Words again .
RIP Deric .
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Yes shaney, his style might not have been everyone's taste, he made everything human, even his badly behaved kitchen appliances, haha, but he made me smile.

Hell neti, slow down...if I drove onto a shaky machine more would drop off me than it would off the car.

Rain arrived here ...saves watering tubs tho, it's a long job when you can't lift a full can.
Turned chilly here now .Have had to put me cardi on
Yes he had a droll sense of humour Robinia .

I say Neti ..The Americans is sooooo good .Just watched part 3.
It was really sad .I never thought that horrible old KGB woman was going to kill that poor girl and send the baby back to Russia .It's getting more exciting by the minute ;)
Tis isn't is shaney. I started having my doubts about the young mother's fate but was shocked when it happened -cruel!

Have just been hacking off more tree branches with my trusty breadknife, not so easy but effective, now I can see light of day!!

Shaney I wanted to ask you something. When people get married in Germany does the woman take the man's name as they do in UK, or not take it as they do here in Spain. Here married women are known as Señora del Garcia, (wife of Garcia) or just their normal name ie Inez Roig, children then adopting both surnames ie maria Garcia Roig. Was wondering about Dustin Brown, as Brown is not a german name so his mother must be German and father Jamaican. These are just little things that get in my brain!!
In Germany the woman can take her husbands surname and vice versa .Only one of them can use a combination of both names ,but they have to declare a proper "family name" (Ehename) for official purposes .All double names must be hyphenated .Children can take one or the other name prefixed by Geb (geborene) born and so .Very complicated and typical of German huffen and puffen .
His mother is German .In Wiki they only give her christian name which is Inge .
An example being some friends of ours .Shall we say her surname is Braun ( I won't give the real name ).When she married him ,her husband took her surname ,but for official purposes he has to sign himself and so Braun geb Schmidt .
It's even more complicated in the Netherlands .On the birth certificates of our offspring I am described as Shaney Sohn van Ling !
So I am the wife of Sohn and the daughter of Ling ..hahaaaa.
Was your offspring born in the nederlands? So he could hold 3 passports then. I think Germany's way is rather complicated, bad enough here, as we do not use 2 surnames and I have taken Mr N's surname , hija has two christian names and one surname so they are always putting her 2nd christian name as her first (and most important) surname. On my official documents they have given me Mr N's name and then the name of the b****** that I ran away from cos that was my surname at the time I arrived here and I still (42yrs later) cannot get shot of it!
Why Ling?
German law is fathers nationality wherever they are born .I'm the only Brit in the house :)
My maiden name was Ling .
They get in a muddle here with Mr S's name too.His second name is his christian name in Germany ( the name he is called by ..rufname) but not here and he gets annoyed at the hospital when they call him Ernst and his name is really Ulrich .
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Heck that's all very complicated. When my grandma met my grandad she only needed to change one letter of her surname. Great gran changed the the second part of her surname from house to field and when Ozzy son married his oh only needed to chop her name in half.
I just did a big post about my diy adventures today and it has vanished...imagine please a funny exciting piece of prose as I cba to type it again...
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Nice one Woofy! I''ve done that before now but it's usually me that deletes it by mistake then cba either!
Shaney and Neti have totally confused me with the names topic. I knew someone who was named Buckley and became a Benton. She used to say first I was buckled now I'm bent!!

Djokovic is on now so must go. The roof is on at 'Wobbledon'. That's someone's joke about the players slipping down on the damp grass.

Laters 'gaters!
Oops. Missed you Robi.. That is funny - reminds me when I put a chair together from IKEA and put the front legs on upside down. True!!
yes and when I put up the xmas tree and left the middle section out, it was very short and squat!!!
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And so funny ^^^
Jude and neti aka Bodgit & Scarper
and Robi aka slap round the chops!!

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