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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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lol neti, don't eat syrup sandwiches over the keyboard. My screen has a dog noseprint on it that wants cleaning off so its not just you. Normal day here, have walked, slept, had coffee and dogs are asleep again.
Good Morning,

Just got up for the second time this morning and enjoying toast and marmalade with a cuppa.

Raining all night here and now dull and miserable. Mr LL has taken Meggie and Junior LL's dog out for a walk and I have to get ready to go shopping when he gets back. Would rather go back to bed!!

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Morning each...where did yesterday go? I know it rained on my washing so some of it is back out again. Breezy (not good for the schnozz) and has brightened and warmed up today.

I'm still tired and having (physical) lows but not as prolonged or as desperate at last week...fingers crossed....but I think I'll keep the appt I made for Fri with the doc, I need some dizzy pills. It's not my own doc but, you never know, he might have some wonder drugs :)

Ok, I'm a bit fed up of buying budget handbags and ending up not really liking them but every now and then I get lucky. Sooooo, do I buy possibly more than one cheap bag again or go for an expensive one that I love. Well I love it online, it's a Radley and I've never gone overboard about them before... it is in the sale...and I'm not getting any'll last me til I shuffle off...
keep trying to convince yourself Robi
BUY IT !!!!

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lol...I'd hate to regret it in 20 years.
Thanks for the lovely picture Robi. Have left you an email. x
Robi, buy it. Its essential for Grannies to have a decent handbag.
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It's a very summery I'd need another one for winter. Still, xmas is coming :)

My sis has just texted me, they're in Westward (Wayward, lol) Ho. She says she'd be destitute if she lived there, too many great shops...and the sales are on.
First good morning all. Hope you are all well. I've caught up with your posts.
Second - I'm peed off. The other night some maladjusted, selfish idiot scraped my car right along the side with a key or something and I was so mad I couldn't speak to anyone for ages at Tai Chi when I eventually got there. I had to do the form to relax before I could tell them what was up without swearing. (we don't swear there)
Third - I've discovered my new washer has got a faulty door and an engineer is coming sometime in the near future to look at it. That took 2 stupid press this press that phone calls and a trip down to Currys.
My washing is eventually out and I have to go to school later - I bet a £1 to a pinch of the proverbial it rains before I get back.
So sorry but that's how I feel at the mo. Unusual for me but there it is. See you later 'gaters when I've cooled down a bit, again!!
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Oh no Jude, what a rotten &*^%£$@!! Don't apologise, I don't blame you for having a rant, I'd be turning the air blue. Have you got a drive or is that where it happened?
Hope you get your washer sorted quickly too. If it's not one of us having a disaster its.... well all of us probably.
so sorry for your troubles Jude. I would be swearing too and Tai Chi forms wouldn't cut it for me!!
Robi, have you bought the bag yet?
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I might have....

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...accidentally pressed submit :)
That's a bugger jude, never rains eh?? in Tai chi I would have speeded up and kicked everyone in your state, but never mind.

Guess what, Ijust bought a new smer handbag todya, no intentions but met my gay best friend and he was looking at them (well he is gay after all) so fouynd a cheapo one and bought it on c/card before I could change my mind.
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oh tut, I was just off to google 'smer'...thought it was a new bag designer
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this is the bag...probably a bit grandma & not to anyone's taste but that's ok...I've wanted a light coloure bag for about 2 years. I might not like it myself in which case it will go back. No details, neti doesn't need to know how much, we can't have her fainting on top of me...
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oh, poop...nearly forgot what I came on here for, it's lotto day...
That is my sort of bag Robi, soft and floppy with a shoulder strap and nothing too fancy about it. ORDER TWO!!

I think I might as well set up home in the loo today. My tum is worse than ever. I hope they sort me out on Saturday.

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