192.com gets information from the Electoral Roll. If you're not yet on the Electoral Roll for your area the information can't appear on 192.com.
The electoral roll is published on 1 December each year and then updated monthly from December to mid-August but you'll only appear on an update if you've actually bothered to contact the Electoral Registration Officer after you've moved. Otherwise you'll have to wait until your name is added to the Register on 1 December.
192.com updates their site at the beginning of January, April, July and October, based upon the most recent updates available from the Electoral Roll. Only people who've not marked the box to be excluded from the 'edited register' are included on 192.com. Since most people mark that box (to cut down on junk mail), that means that only a minority of the population ever appear in 192.com's database.
Assuming that you notified the Electoral Registration Officer as soon as you moved in July (and that you didn't ask to be excluded from the edited register) your name should have been added to the council's mid-August update, meaning that you should appear on 192.com from the beginning of October.