The best way to contact another member is to get yourself a 'disposable' email address and then post it on thread where the other member is likely to see it. (Either using an 'FAO' post in CB or, probably better, on an recent thread which was started by that member).
ahhhhh yes that be it. you're right, you're absolutely right. Oh well, alot was different back then, we could type in colours use capitals and poke fun at the ed without feeling out of turn lol
SAB still exists but it's no longer associated with this site. (However long-term members of AB will probably find that their AB usernames and passwords are recognised by SAB). Moderation there is either poor or simply non-existent, meaning that some people (who've been banned from AB long ago) have turned it into a very unpleasant jungle.
chris that's insulting to jungles, underbelly of society is more apt, though I do lurk just like the victorians used to visit bedlam, it's still being run (using the term loosely) like an experiment, just not sure what the experiment is setting out to prove/achieve