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Hopkirk | 00:00 Sun 13th Jul 2014 | How it Works
12 Answers
Is it true that bananas give off a gas that ripens other fruit?

Sounds ridiculous to me.


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Yes. And it's why you can have a hook thing to keep them on their own.
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I bought a punnet of under ripe peaches today. (Ripen at home, they call them)

They are rock hard so I have stood a bunch of bananas on top. Will that do it?
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If you put bananas near a vase of cut flowers, the gas (ethylene) will make them die off quicker.
and... slightly radio active too
...and, if you want to be up-to-date, you'd be calling the gas "ethene".
ideal for ripening hard kiwi fruit, just simply put a bunch of green bananas in a plastic bag with some hard kiwi fruit, after about a week or so, hey presto, soft kiwis
Yep, absolutely true. If you put them in a bowl with other fruit, the other fruit goes off in a flash :-(
Why am I thinking the kiwis would ripen in a week anyway...?
But yes,bananas do work.
Surely the kiwis would ripen after a week with or without bananas.
Lol! Great minds,jenny :-)

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